Graduation Speech On Students Academic Performance - was specially
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Graduation Speech On Students Academic Performance | 388 |
Graduation is the award of a diploma or academic degreeor the ceremony that is sometimes associated with it, in which students become graduates. Https:// date of graduation is often called graduation day. The graduation ceremony itself is also sometimes called: commencement, convocation or invocation.
Usually the ceremony and name apply to university degrees Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Ggaduation Doctoral degrees.

In a graduation ceremony at the college and university level, Studfnts presiding officer or another authorized person formally confers degrees upon candidates, either individually or en masse, even though graduates may physically receive diploma later at a smaller college or departmental ceremony.
Ceremonies often include a procession of some of the academic staff and candidates and a valediction.
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The academic staff will usually wear an academic dress at the ceremony, as will the trustees if applicable and the degree candidates. Graduates can be referred to by their year of graduation. When a student graduates without attending the graduation ceremony, then it is called graduation in absentia.
In the United Statesthe completion of mandatory schooling is also referred to as graduatingeven though it is Academoc below degree level.

This has received criticism, being described as "just a way of celebrating mediocrity". In some places, graduation parties celebrating graduation from school, college or university are popular. The procedures and traditions surrounding academic graduation ceremonies differ around the world. Whereas in the United Kingdom a graduation usually only occurs at university level, in the United States of America and many other countries graduations also occur at high schools where no higher education qualifications are conferred upon the graduates. In a graduation ceremony the students wear formal academic dress, such as square academic caps and gowns that are used for such occasions.

For example, most universities in Sweden are research-oriented and may present their students with bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees covering all academic streams. Universities across the country are based through the Higher Education Ordinance. Most of the national programs provide Swedish, English, Math and Science among degree courses.
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In Zimbabwe, graduation ceremonies are often associated with the guest of honor who most often is the ceremonial head of the institution. At state universities the President of Zimbabwe officiates as chancellor and guest of honor. Every graduate of a state university in Zimbabwe can claim to have shaken the President's hand.]
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