How For Your Breast Augmentation Revision -

How For Your Breast Augmentation Revision

How For Your Breast Augmentation Revision - are

Whether a woman had her initial Breast Augmentation procedure recently or more than a decade ago, women who are concerned about the way their breasts look or feel following their procedure may want to consider a Breast Augmentation Revision. Patients discuss with Dr. Thomassen the changes that they would like made to their breasts during their surgery. For example, Dr. Thomassen will want to know what size and shape the patient would like her breasts to be. In addition, Dr. Whenever possible, patients should provide Dr. Thomassen with detailed information related to their previous Breast Implant surgery. How For Your Breast Augmentation Revision

Gustavo E. Galante, MD U. Please call our office for additional hours with our Aesthetic Nurse and our Esthetician. Overcosmetic breast augmentation procedures are performed by US plastic surgeons annually. This does not include the number of breast augmentation surgeries performed for reconstructive purposes in women who have undergone mastectomy.

How For Your Breast Augmentation Revision

Almost all of these procedures Breeast in a sense of immense satisfaction on the part of the patient, including our breast augmentation patients here in NW Indiana. Although it happens rarely, it can happen that a patient comes to us with concerns about the outcome. Often, the lack of satisfaction happens years later here to changes in the breasts secondary to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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Sometimes patients come to us for revision because their saline implant has ruptured or is Breasy. More often than not, patients desire a revision procedure because they are so satisfied their appearance that they want bigger implants.

As you can see, there is a huge range of reasons for a breast implant revision. During your plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Galante, he will examine your breasts to ascertain the current state of the implants.

How For Your Breast Augmentation Revision

This might include x-rays if there is a concern about leaking or ruptured implant s. He will ask about your medical history and give you an opportunity to fully describe your goals. The breast implant revision procedure is similar to an initial breast augmentation procedure, inasmuch as incisions will be made. Breaxt

Initial Consultation

However, one important difference is that a revision procedure Revison account for scar tissue. Once the procedure is complete, you will be placed in dressings and a supportive surgical bra, quite like your initial procedure. For more information about breast augmentation revision surgery, please click to schedule your private consultation at one of our two NW Indiana plastic surgery offices. About Meet Dr. Request Your Consultation. Breast Augmentation Revision Breast Augmentation.

How For Your Breast Augmentation Revision

Posted on December 21, ]

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