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Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. Gamification commonly employs game design elements [3] [1] [4] [5] [2] to improve user engagement, [6] [7] [8] organizational productivity, [9] flow , [10] [11] learning , [12] [13] crowdsourcing , [14] knowledge retention, [15] employee recruitment and evaluation, ease of use , usefulness of systems, [11] [16] [17] physical exercise , [18] traffic violations, [19] voter apathy, [20] [21] public attitudes about alternative energy, [22] and more. A collection of research on gamification shows that a majority of studies on gamification find it has positive effects on individuals. Gamification techniques are intended to leverage people's natural desires for socializing, learning, mastery, competition, achievement, status, self-expression, altruism , or closure, or simply their response to the framing of a situation as game or play. Types of rewards include points, [25] achievement badges or levels, [26] the filling of a progress bar, [27] or providing the user with virtual currency. Another approach to gamification is to make existing tasks feel more like games.

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Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 7 - PART#1 - Solved Self Assessments Exercises - Oxidation Reduction Cell Applying The Self Assessment Exercise. Applying The Self Assessment Exercise

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Applying The Self Assessment Exercise

To make the corporate sustainability self-assessment of companies more transparent, numerous certifications and standards have emerged since the s. Since the 80s, more companies focused their communication on the positive relationship between their corporate sustainability and their economic performance.

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In this article we will discuss the ways in which companies around the world can invest and communicate on Nature-based Solutions NbS using existing certifications and standards. This definition leaves the private sector a multitude of interpretations Applyiny the concept and the benefits that stem from its use.

The nine contributing authors of the report have put together a framework to allow companies to operationalize NbS. In this report published inApplying The Self Assessment Exercise authors have put together nine case studies of companies that made use of NbS. Such a paper, coming from academics, is one of the very few to provide these insights.

Applying The Self Assessment Exercise

The authors emphasized three key takeaways for companies:. To summarize the interview findings, NbS must be considered as a cost-effective business solution that can create ecosystem value for the common good. However, the field lacks the maturity to make bold claims Adsessment its potential, thus the private sector should focus on partnerships instead of individual initiatives.

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Finally, the report says that companies should approach NbS in a holistic and progressive way not leaving any department behind and investing gradually in NbS. In reality, companies are doing well on at least one of these points, as a lot of them focus on partnerships when engaging NbS activities.

According to the white paper, around companies have already committed to help reverse nature loss and restore vital natural systems on which economic activity depends through partnerships. The report also warns us that with time, not investing in NbS will have dramatic consequences for the operations of companies and their stakeholders. Since Duncanwe know that given the ecological urgency, businesses pursue their activity with continuous environmental uncertainty. For example, varying environmental regulations can be harmful to investors. Not investing in NbS will only exacerbate and extend this uncertain situation. The main risks cited by the report for which the companies felt concerned were risks related to regulatory Applying The Self Assessment Exercise and natural disaster risks. It is not hard to imagine that the report evangelizes the potential of NbS and puts a positive win-win scenario forth.]

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