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Portrayal Of Abortion In Frankenstein. Portrayal Of Abortion In Frankenstein Portrayal Of Abortion In Frankenstein

By Hannah Parry For Dailymail. A former beauty pageant winner is suing the married Manhattan hedge fund manager she was having an affair with, after she says Abkrtion gave her an STD. Aline Marie Massel, 31, is suing the married Manhattan hedge fund manager she was having an affair with, after she says he gave her an STD. However, Massel - a former Miss Germany International beauty queen who now works as a Tesla model - says her new partner promised that he would leave his wife.

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The year-old says that Gibbins insisted on having sex without a condom. During their sexual encounters, she contracted HPV, her suit states.

Portrayal Of Abortion In Frankenstein

She says Gibbins never told her he was infected before they had sex. Massel 'felt deceived and upset with [Gibbins] as he had been her only intimate partner since her last health screening and he did not disclose his sexually transmitted disease to her,' the suit said. The Portrayal Of Abortion In Frankenstein states that they continued to date after she learned she's caught HPV with the hedge fund manager treating her to elaborate international trips and paying for her Manhattan apartment. But when she fell pregnant, she says that her lover demanded she get an abortion and told her he wouldn't offer any support, personally or financially if she Positioning Market the baby.


Massel pictured says she only discovered Gibbins was married a few weeks after they got together, when she received a text message from his wife. Her lawsuit says that his lawyer offered her money to have an abortion and warned 'how difficult it would be to raise a child alone. I cannot wait to see you getting fat and ugly. Massel believes that Gibbins then hired a private detective to follow her until she had the abortion.

Portrayal Of Abortion In Frankenstein

Gibbins will defend himself vigorously. Argos AO. Privacy Policy Feedback. Share this article Share. Share or comment on this article: Mistress sues Manhattan hedge funder after he gave her STD e-mail Most watched News videos Terrifying moment dog darts Frankrnstein road to attack two young children RSPCA rescue cob-type horse from muddy bog in Wales Moment dam breaks under pressure of huge flood in India Bus skids across road followed by car crash on Portrayal Of Abortion In Frankenstein road in Essex POV: Countdown to fast sledging down Whitstable's Duncan Downs UK Snow: Sled pushed down a hill by a sheep in Derbyshire Cure Auto Insurance's controversial Super Bowl commercial Elders forced to queue in cold in Plymouth to receive covid jab Father is shot and pistol whipped during brutal car robbery in LA Fiverr spoofs Rudy Giuliani's press conference at a warehouse venue Flock of sheep brought traffic to a standstill in residential area Trailer for horror movie 'Old'.

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