The Journey Of A Person s Coming -

The Journey Of A Person s Coming.

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Coming out of the closetoften shortened to coming outis an LGBT person's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation or of their gender identity. Framed and debated as a privacy issue, coming out of the closet is experienced variously as a psychological process or journey; [1] decision-making or risk-taking ; a strategy or plan; a mass or public event; a speech act and a matter of personal identity ; a rite of passage ; liberation or emancipation from oppression ; an ordeal ; [2] a means toward feeling gay pride instead of shame and social stigma ; or even career suicide. Coming out of the closet is the source of other gay slang expressions related to voluntary disclosure or lack thereof. LGBT people who have already revealed or no longer conceal their sexual orientation or gender identity are outi.

Oppositely, LGBT people who have yet to come out or have opted not to do so are labelled as closeted or being in the closet. Outing is the deliberate or accidental disclosure of an LGBT person's sexual orientation or gender identity, without their consent. By extension, outing oneself is self-disclosure. Glass closet means the open secret The Journey Of A Person s Coming when public figures' being LGBT is considered a widely accepted fact even though they have not officially come out. Inone hundred years before the Stonewall riotsthe German homosexual rights Karl Heinrich Ulrichs introduced the idea of self-disclosure as a means of emancipation.

Claiming that invisibility was a major obstacle toward changing public opinionhe urged homosexual people to reveal their same-sex attractions.

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InMagnus Hirschfeld revisited the topic in his major work The Homosexuality of Men and Womendiscussing the social and legal potentials of several thousand homosexual men and women of rank revealing their sexual orientation to the police in order to influence legislators and public opinion. The first prominent American to reveal his homosexuality was the poet Robert Https:// Inusing his own name in the anarchist magazine Politicshe wrote that homosexuals were an oppressed minority.

InDonald Webster Cory [10] [11] published his landmark The Homosexual in Americaexclaiming, "Society has handed me a mask to wear Everywhere I go, at all times and before all sections of society, I pretend.

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In the s, Frank Kameny came to the forefront of the struggle. Having fired from his job as Comiing astronomer for the Army Map service in for homosexual behavior, Kameny refused to go quietly.

He openly fought his dismissal, eventually appealing it all the way to the US Supreme Court. As a vocal leader of the growing movement, Kameny argued for unapologetic public actions.

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The cornerstone of his conviction was that, "we must instill in the homosexual community a sense of worth to the individual homosexual", which could only be achieved through campaigns openly led by homosexuals themselves. With the spread of consciousness raising CR in the late s, coming out became a key strategy of the gay liberation movement to raise political consciousness to counter heterosexism and homophobia. At the same time and continuing into the s, gay and lesbian social support discussion groups, some of which were called "coming-out groups", focused on sharing coming-out "stories" experiences with the goal of reducing isolation and increasing LGBT visibility and pride. As historian George Chauncey points out:. Gay people in the pre-war years [pre-WWI] In fact, as Elizabeth Kennedy observes, "using the term 'closet' to refer to" previous times such as "the s and s might be anachronistic ".]

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