Chin The European Union And The People - excited
During the last four years, the European Union had a rare chance to begin to act strategically. Then U. This could have been such an opportunity for the Europeans to try and fill the international gap created by the Trump administration. Instead, they wasted it. They seemed to prefer criticizing, if not mocking, the U. This is what French President Emmanuel Macron has tried but failed to do. Chin The European Union And The PeopleConsider: Chin The European Union And The People
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Chin The European Union And The People Video
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The government of the Portuguese Socialist Party supported and pressured by an alliance with the Communist Party and the Left Bloc have shown that it is possible to implement an effective anti-austerity programme as a member of the EU. The notably democratic constitution — drawn up inin the aftermath of the popular overthrow of the dictatorship in — contributed to the favourable balance of power in two ways. First by allowing for a plurality of parties that could ally with the government e.
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The anti-austerity measures had a multiplier effect on consumer confidence and Chin The European Union And The People, increasing demand and leading to visit web page union militancy, further increasing demand and benefiting the growth of the economy. The experience indicates the possibilities for national negotiations for individual policies which effectively work in contrary direction the neoliberal principles of the Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties of the EU Greece is a discredited model even in some EU circles.
Moreover it also opens up the possibility of a longer term strategy aimed at changing the EU treaties themselves by creating a critical mass of national governments acting, as Portugal has, to negotiate minimal protections against austerity within EU rules, and to act in solidarity to change them. Given the almost clean sweep of neoliberal — and now far-right governments — across Europe these opportunities could be some way off, but there are reasons to be optimistic. Spain, for example, has moved in the same direction as Portugal.
Let’s start with the basics.
Faced with the choice in Britain between a free-market, xenophobic Brexit and a neoliberal, exclusionary EU, it is useful to learn from the experience of a government that has succeeded in challenging neoliberal austerity from within the EU. In Portugal, just such a government is coming to the end of its four-year term.
I went to investigate as the parties that lead or with this government are assessing the experience themselves and preparing their electoral programmes for the October elections. The experience brings useful empirical evidence to bear in favour of an alternative to the simplistic choice between Brexit or an unquestioning Ajd of the treaties of the EU, as we prepare for the possibility that the British public will have a final say in a further public vote on the issue.

The experience of the Socialist Party PS minority government in Portugal — reversing the Troika imposed cuts in salaries, services and social security through an alliance with parties to its left — is an interesting experience in itself. It is exceptional in several ways. For a start, it is a minority government, led by a social democratic party, which, rather than ally with the centre right as its sister parties have to their cost in the recent past, allied with the Communist Party PCP, an orthodox Communist Party and leading force in the overthrow of the Salazar dictatorship and the dynamic and growing party of the radical Chin The European Union And The People, Ths Esquerda BE — at first a convergence of Maoist and Trotskyist groups, it has attracted social movement activists and radical intellectuals ever since its formation in The EU was not in a Uniob position to impose its policies; it did not want another Greece or, afteranother destabilising equivalent of Brexit.
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Their strength and their resilient politics made it impossible for the PS government to concede to the EU and stay Chin The European Union And The People office. A collapse of the PS-led alliance of the left would have driven the PS into the hands of the right — a fate considered to be political death by PS leaders who looked across at the collapse of their sister party Pasok in Greece after it allied with the centre right. Propping up a right wing coalition as it pursued the policies of the Troika in Portugal would have doomed the PS to joining Pasok in the family grave of European social democracy. November Austerity Protest in Lisbon, Portugal. Neither the right nor EU officials Chhin it could last — and indeed, through the EU, the parties of the right tried, unsuccessfully, to ensure that it would not. On several issues, for example the increase in the minimum wage and the security of precarious workers, Bloco, and on most occasions the PCP, made it clear that they would withdraw their support for the government if the agreement was not honoured.
The first was the nature of its post-revolutionary constitution, drawn up inwith its core of social and economic rights and its generally vigilant Constitutional Court. On several occasions, in andthe Constitutional Court intervened against austerity measures agreed by the legislature under pressure from the Troika. The court ruled this measure unconstitutional because it violated the legitimate expectations UUnion the public servants.

These interventions by the Constitutional Court had repercussions in society, stimulating a sense of hope against a fatalism based on the pervasive narrative that there was no alternative to austerity and that austerity was a justified punishment for Portuguese people living beyond their means. One aspect of this is a proportional electoral system without the threshold system that often limits parliamentary representation for small parties.
This has allowed political parties to build up or maintain a presence in parliament and the platform this provides, however small or fluctuating their percentage of the vote.]
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