Cyber Security A Important And Critical Issues -

Cyber Security A Important And Critical Issues Video

A Brief Explanation of Cybersecurity and Why It Is Important in Business Cyber Security A Important And Critical Issues. Cyber Security A Important And Critical Issues

Between the SolarWinds attack, constant digital battles with foreign actors like China, Iran, and Russia and the increasing reliance on the internet for our critical infrastructure, we must streamline cybersecurity authority and oversight in Congress.

Cyber Security A Important And Critical Issues

The broken committee structure overseeing cybersecurity hobbles our responsiveness and leaves holes in our defenses. As Senators gear up to improve the overall function of Congress, they should not leave cybersecurity jurisdictional nAd behind. In its current form, committees with differing agendas wrangle for jurisdiction and block passage of cybersecurity legislation.

Issues + Subissues

Rather than rely on experts on centralized authority—because many are loath to give up any power whatsoever, even for the greater good—the broken review process hampers our national security by preventing the passage of any major cybersecurity legislation. And every year Congress does not treat cybersecurity policy with the same intensity as they do health care, taxes or the economy, our enemies find new weaknesses to exploit, intellectual property to steal or innovate while we lag behind. Criitcal

Cyber Security A Important And Critical Issues

But he is not the only one on Capitol Hill to think this is smart policy. Among the recommendations of the bipartisan Cyberspace Solarium Commission, which outlined major reforms to U. The new committees would be structured in a bipartisan manner, a la the Select and Permanent Committees on Intelligence, and focus on expertise of members.

This committee structure is specifically designed to encourage cross-committee and bipartisan collaboration that is often necessary for long-lasting, strong policy.

What are the Challenges of Cyber Security?

The committees would hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, consider and promulgate legislation, and oversee national cyber strategy development and implementation. While congressional committee structure is a wonky, low-visibility issue, it has real consequences for U. Most recently, the dispersed nature of oversight on cybersecurity assuredly contributed to the intelligence and defensive failure that led to the SolarWinds hack. If we are serious, this time, about fixing our cybersecurity issues, the organization of Congress should be on the top of our collective priority lists.

Now is the time.]

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