Gardner s Multiple Intelligences Theory - something also
Have you ever wondered how some people like athletes, dancers, and instrumentalists are so skillful in utilizing their bodies and manipulating objects? If talent comes to your mind and of course practice — maybe you should reconsider calling it intelligence — bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, one of 9 multiple intelligence. In , Howard Gardner, a Harvard developmental psychologist, proposed the theory of multiple intelligences in his book Frames of Mind. He questioned the old notion of intelligence as a single entity as represented in IQ tests and presented 8 different bits of intelligence and added more in his later works. These intelligence include:. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence is one of them that depicts the full range of human intelligence. An example of this intelligence can be seen in dancers and athletes who have a knack for using the motions of their bodies. Gardner also highlighted that our mental functions are related to physical activities. We use our mental ability to direct and coordinate our bodily movements. Gardner s Multiple Intelligences TheoryEnter content here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. A recent study involving overparticipants found that no one test can measure how well a person would perform cognitive tasks.

Based on research from psychology, go here, neuroscience, and other cognitive disciplines, Dr. Read on to discover the definition of multiple intelligences and how you can use multiple intelligences in the classroom. The multiple intelligences theory was created by Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, in While many teachers find the theory to be a helpful framework for their curriculum, few studies have been Gardner s Multiple Intelligences Theory on whether it is the most accurate model of human intelligence or on its success rate in schools. Each of these intelligences are relatively independent of one another. An athlete, for example, could have strong bodily-kinesthetic and spatial intelligence but poor musical intelligence.
Linguistic intelligence involves the ability to comprehend words while reading, writing, or speaking. Logical-mathematical intelligence refers to the ability to use reason and analysis to solve problems. Children with strong logical-mathematical skills are also often skilled at identifying patterns to develop answers to a question.
Spatial intelligence involves the ability to visualize and manipulate environments. Children with strong spatial intelligence are aware of the space around them and skilled at manipulating it in creative or innovative ways. Musical intelligence is defined as the ability to appreciate, create, and perform music. It involves Gardner s Multiple Intelligences Theory only does sensory musical activities, Multile also the theoretical side of music, such as composition. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence involves skillfully moving and controlling your body.
What are Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences?
Children with a strong sense of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence often succeed hands-on activities rather than theoretical assignments.
Interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability to interact with others in a healthy and meaningful way. Students skilled in interpersonal Intellibences can be introverted or extroverted, but they are often good at making and maintaining friendships. Coinciding in some ways with interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to understand and analyze your own emotions, actions, and beliefs. It is closely linked to the social-emotional skill of self-awareness, or developing an understanding of yourself and how others perceive you.

Students with naturalistic intelligence often have an affinity for recognizing and interacting with plants and animals.]
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