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Biology Research Biology Research

Submit an Abstract. Almost half of undergraduate students in the sciences pursue studies in community colleges CCsincluding the majority of first-generation college-going students and students from populations underserved in the Biology Research. However, the assets, innovations, and approaches of community college biology education have been understudied.

Biology Research

Additionally, community college students and instructors are often overlooked in biology education research that aspires to draw generalizable conclusions. By Biology Research community college biology education research, we hope to foster new lines of inquiry, new collaborations, and new insights to support increased understanding of the community college biology education context.

We welcome authors at all phases of their career, with varying levels of biology education research experience, in a variety of professional positions and institutional contexts, and from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Articles reporting original research are prioritized, but reviews and perspectives submitted as essays will be considered as well.

To be publishable in this special issue of LSE, scholarly work must:. The dates below were designed with the demands and annual schedule of community college colleagues Biology Research mind. May 1, LSE sends invitations for submission of full manuscripts September 15, Invited authors submit full manuscripts for review process. Mid-November Invited authors receive initial peer reviews for submitted manuscripts Mid-February Invited authors submit revised manuscripts for Biology Research review Summer LSE publishes Special Issue.

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Notes: All submitted manuscripts will undergo the usual LSE anonymous peer review process. Manuscripts Researcj are favorably reviewed but beyond the scope of this theme may be published in Biiology different issue of the journal. As always, a waiver or fee reduction for publication charges may be available by request.

The journal publishes original, previously unpublished, peer-reviewed articles on research and evaluation related to life sciences education, as well as articles about evidence- based biology instruction at all levels. The ASCB believes that biology learning encompasses diverse fields, including math, chemistry, physics, engineering, and computer science, as well as the interdisciplinary intersections of biology with these fields. One goal of the journal is to encourage teachers and instructors to view teaching and learning the way scientists view their research, as an intellectual undertaking Biology Research is informed by systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data related to Biology Research learning.

Biology Research

Target audiences include those involved Biology Research education in K—12 schools, two-year colleges, four-year colleges, science centers and museums, universities, and professional schools, including graduate students and Biology Research researchers. All published articles are available freely online without subscription. LSE publishes under the Creative Reesearch 3. Submit an Abstract Almost half of undergraduate students in the sciences pursue studies in community colleges CCsincluding the majority of first-generation college-going students and students from populations underserved in the sciences.

To be publishable in this special issue of LSE, scholarly work must: Connect in some way to community college students, instructors, programs, or innovations Have implications for biology education researchers and practitioners Be evidence-based, grounded in systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data TIMELINE: The dates below were designed with the demands and annual schedule of community college colleagues in mind. April 1, Abstract submission deadline May 1, LSE sends invitations for submission of full manuscripts September 15, Invited authors submit full manuscripts for review process Mid-November Invited authors receive initial peer reviews for submitted manuscripts Mid-February Invited authors submit revised manuscripts for secondary review Summer See more publishes Special Issue Notes: All submitted manuscripts will undergo the usual LSE anonymous peer review process.

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