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Her advocacy has grown into an international movement, and according to former Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasishe has become "the most prominent citizen" of the country.

New America

Her family came to run a chain of schools in the region. Considering Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Benazir Bhutto as her role models, she was particularly inspired by her father's thoughts and humanitarian work.

Think Of A Beautiful Ten Year Old

The following summer, journalist Adam B. Ellick made a New York Times documentary [4] about her life as the Pakistani military intervened in the region. She rose in prominence, giving interviews in print and on television, and she was nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize by activist Desmond Tutu. On 9 Octoberwhile on a bus in the Swat Districtafter taking an exam, Yousafzai and two other girls were shot by a Pakistani Taliban gunman in an assassination attempt in retaliation for her activism; the gunman fled the scene. Yousafzai was hit in the head with a bullet and remained unconscious and in critical condition at the Rawalpindi Think Of A Beautiful Ten Year Old of Cardiologybut her condition later improved enough for her to be transferred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in BirminghamUK.

Deutsche Welle reported in January that Yousafzai may have become "the most famous teenager in the world". Pakistani Taliban officials responded to condemnation by further denouncing Yousafzai, indicating plans for a possible second assassination attempt, which was justified as a religious obligation.

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Their statements resulted in further international condemnation. Following her recovery, Yousafzai became a prominent activist for the right to education.

Think Of A Beautiful Ten Year Old

Based in Birminghamshe co-founded the Malala Funda non-profit organisation with Shiza Shahid[12] and inshe co-authored I Am Malalaan international best seller. Aged 17 at the time, she was the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate. Theandissues of Time magazine featured her as one of the most influential people globally.

Think Of A Beautiful Ten Year Old

Inshe was awarded honorary Canadian citizenship and became the youngest person to address the House of Commons of Canada. Yousafzai was born on 12 July in the Swat District of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, into a lower-middle-class family.]

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