Social Class As A Society Based On -

Social Class As A Society Based On Social Class As A Society Based On

The Feudal Social Classes. Emperor The highest ranking noble who Sociehy more of a puppet figure with little power. The Emperor and the imperial family had the highest social status. He was a figurehead, a leader in name only. He was the religious leader, but had little political power, and in reality was under control of the shogun's clan.

Social Class As A Society Based On

Economically, the people of all other classes of society provided for the Emperor and his court. Shogun Highest ranking military leader with the most power. The shogun was the military leader of the most powerful of the Emperor's noble clans. The clans often fought to acquire this high social status. The shogun was the actual political ruler. He had a high social status and those of the other classes provided for his economic needs in return for protection and privileges e.

The daimyos were the nobles and the shogun's representatives.

Social Class As A Society Based On

They ran the estates according to the shogun's rules. Their swords were their most valuable possessions because they were required to use them often to demonstrate their loyalty to the shogun. They had high social status as members of the warrior class. They lived in huge castles surrounded by here. Samurai Warriors who had additional privileges and higher social status than common people. The samurai were professional warriors of the military aristocracy. They were loyal to the shogun and daimyos, in whose castles they resided.

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Their position gave them fairly high social status, but little political power. Their economic needs were met by lower classes similar to the arrangement with the daimyos and the shogun. Peasants Farmers who worked the land and their produce for profit.

They had very low social Bsed, no political power and were very poor. They were valued because they produced the food for all other classes, and often made the material for clothing. The peasants paid taxes to the daimyos and shogun in the form of rice and work.

Conflict Theory

Often peasants starved when they had to give up more than two-thirds of the year's crops to the upper classes in return for being able to remain on the land. Accumulated income through the making tools, weapons and other products. The artisan crafted a variety of products including art, cooking pots, fish hooks, farm tools, utensils, ship anchors and swords. The artisans, who were well-known for their exceptional swords, were highly respected.

However, on the whole, this class was not as respected as peasants because they did not produce food. Not only did merchants live in a separate section of each city, but Clxss higher classes were forbidden to mix with them except on business. Samurai Warriors who had additional privileges and higher social status than common people The samurai were professional warriors of the military aristocracy.

Weberian Theory

Artisans Accumulated income through the making tools, weapons and other products. Merchants Bought and sold goods to other people. They were the traveling traders and shop keepers, and were ostracized as "parasites" who profited from the labor of the more productive peasant and artisan classes. Nonetheless, many merchant families were able to amass large fortunes. Eta They engaged in occupations considered unclean. The eta worked in areas such as the slaughtering and skinning of animals, sewerage and the tanning of hides.]

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