Performance Management Essay -

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Performance Management Essay - remarkable, very

Chapter 3 discusses various aspects of strategic planning. As noted in the textbook, it is important to link performance management to strategy. For this discussion board, please consider the scenario below. You are the newly hired HR Director for a large healthcare organization, which serves elderly individuals. Over 1, healthcare employees e. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories require supporting citations in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Performance Management Essay Performance Management Essay

People are the greatest asset of any business organization. Performance of the workforce in an organization is directly related to the success of the business venture. The contribution of the employees towards the reputation of the company, quality of products or services delivered and the market share of the business is extremely important. Performance management systems can be used to reinforce employee behavior towards Maanagement goals and objectives identified by the company. The scope and objectives of defining a performance management system is closely linked to the needs of the business and desired outcome. A favorable organizational environment triggers Performance Management Essay employees to go that extra mile and use their initiative to improve performance rather than Performance Management Essay achieving set targets. An effective PMS should be aimed at enhancing employee job satisfaction besides seeking to meet business targets and expectations.

Performance Management Essay

The focus of the PMS should be on developing individual potential and capabilities rather than directing or controlling employee actions. Overview of the Performance Management System Ensuring high levels of performance within the organization requires active participation of both management and individuals in the workforce in implementing tasks and objectives.

Many employees within the workforce want to give their best to the work Performance Management Essay are allocated and they want to be given a chance to prove their capabilities. The employees also want their performance to assessed in a fair manner Mabagement seek adequate rewards and financial compensation in return for the extra efforts placed on the job.

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The Performance Management Essay can assist the employees in delivering quality work by providing them with adequate support, resources, and training opportunities. The PMS for effective results should evaluate the employee skills, job objectives, future responsibilities and facilitate his access to required resources and information to develop these skills to match task requirements. The PMS involves identifying and setting up job objectives for the individual employees, identifying their core strengths and areas of development, devising a plan for training and development within a specific time frame, assessing performance and evaluating the impact of the training programs on performance levels. This document is a performance management system designed for the La Roche Company Senior Management Committee for their review, consideration and possible adoption.

The PMS developed for the company provides a comprehensive Human Resource Management strategy that can ensure high Performance Management Essay of motivation and focuses on employee retention plans which is critical in gaining competitive advantage in the market. Performance Management System for La Roche Company The human resource policies of the company are aimed at employee retention and increasing employee satisfaction at work. The PMS designed for the company highlights the significance of employee satisfaction and motivation at workplace in delivering high quality of work.

One of the challenging tasks that managers face is to keep the workforce motivated for longer period of time. The work environment, the nature of work, the way employees are rewarded or compensated for their initiatives and the way managers behave are some of the Performance Management Essay that has a direct impact on employee motivation levels. This team is for communicating to the managers the basic objectives of the system, how it is going to be implemented across various levels and departments, and what are basis of evaluating a successful implementation.

Performance Management Essay

The system will encourage leadership within the organization since effective leaders can develop other people and can relate to others easily that helps in identifying issues, communicating management policies and dealing with potential show stoppers. The concept of a personal development plan is outlining and defining clear development action plan for an individual within the context of the organisation in which he works. In such cases the individual takes see more responsibility of developing his skills for personal and professional growth that contributes to overall efficiency in individual productivity and organizational growth.

La Roche management will introduce personal development plans for their employees that will be reviewed by their line managers every Performance Management Essay months.

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The employees will be asked to fill in the PDP forms with the help of their line managers and based on the employee capabilities and limitations an action plan for individual development will be drawn. The action plan will suggest suitable workshops and training programs that the employee can attend to overcome his weaknesses. A specific time frame will be provided Performance Management Essay the development action plan after which the PDP will be assessed and evaluated by the line manager to determine if the learning objectives were met. Appraisals and Feedback Program Performance appraisals are a key element of the PMS, click at this page it provides the basis for employee development and promotion program.

The appraisal process can be very effective in identifying individual targets and review performance standards. Appraisals assist the line managers in communicating process targets, Performance Management Essay quality expectations and assessing individual performance based on the performance evaluation metrics. Moreover, appraisals can help in fostering better relations between the employees and their managers. The appraisals will be conducted every two months by the respective line managers on a one to one basis. The process will help the employees communicate their problems and issues faced on the work floor and enable the line managers to identify potential show stoppers. Feedback delivery mechanism adopted should act as a positive reinforcement rather than create negative feelings among employees.

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Applying motivational statements and reinforcing high standards of work can have a positive impact on the employee performance. These discussions should encourage open and honest communication between the employees and the managers and based on observation and performance statistics. The appraisal and feedback system requires intensive training to the line managers that will stress the importance, relevance and the right approach to be adopted during these sessions. Training and development workshops for employees The existing business environment Performance Management Essay increased the need for creativity and proactive behavior from employees.

Performance Management Essay

Training and development programs provide the employees with the opportunity to learn or upgrade their skills according to the business needs and requirements.]

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