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It demonstrated the developing independence of the Russian lands from Mongol rule which had been imposed in and was a giant step for the Duchy of Moscow Monol its rise to leadership of the Russian people. Vote count: 0. No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post. It is so important to preserve this history while we can. As totalitarianism grows in the world, I imagine much of it will, in time, be rewritten. Few decades later the Russian slav have sweet revenge when they soviet union invade Mongolia killing hundreds of thousands of Mongolia people.

Kulikowo Was Pyrrhic Victory. Even Many Years Later.

If Timur Not Crush Tatars. Russia can become their Vassal to s.
Mamluks vs Mongols
It is history of Ulus of Juchi ''Golden Horde'' not mongols. And it's fake battle. Imagine if the Slavs had been able to repel the Mongols already in the 13th century. It's possible, they had could have become the biggest power on the Euro-Asian continent — much earlier than Lenin's and Stalin's Soviet Union from onwards.
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Would love if you do series of Sikhs vs the Mughal Empire battles. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.]
I am sorry, it not absolutely approaches me. Perhaps there are still variants?
Very amusing piece
What words... super