The Locus Of Control Questionnaire -

The Locus Of Control Questionnaire

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Over the last two decades social scientists have paid greater attention to the phenomenon of the creation of companies and, especially, to the personality of entrepreneurs. This article examines the prevalence of a range of psychological attributes in a sample of entrepreneurs from Andalusian cooperatives. We have analyzed the similarities and differences of this kind of entrepreneurship compared with other entrepreneurs who do not operate within the community economy. Our results show the double profile of the cooperative entrepreneur, halfway between the manager and the qualified worker. Log in. Web of Science. Identifiers publons. Navigate Abstract. Publication History. The Locus Of Control Questionnaire.

Locus of control is a personality construct developed by Julian B. Locus of control is equally the degree to which individuals believe that things that happen to them are The Locus Of Control Questionnaire to internal versus external factors. Individuals with internal locus of control believe that they can influence the outcomes of their lives. They also attribute their achievements in life to their skills, abilities and knowledge. A person with dominant external locus of control is convinced that anything that happens is the result of fate, luck or external powers and these believe often cause feelings anger, frustration, depression and Questionnairs Swart, Psychological wellbeing refers to how life goes for a particular person.

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This judgment of how satisfied an individual is with his state of affairs is based on comparison with a standard he sets for himself Diener, The ability of a student to successfully transform his learning to strength to achieve this intention and have an improved quality of life is dependent on his resolution and his ability to adopt a system that harmonizes a relationship between his internal and external self and environment facilities that are made available within his learning context. In other words, it is germane that the learner should be accustomed to factors that could hinder such achievement and make conscious effort to effectively blend them to his advantage despite the challenges that he may encounter in his quest to do so because the extent to which a learner succeeds in his academics has important implications on his psychological success.

Bouchey, etal Scholars like Nevetuah opined that although everyone has an opinion about their psychological wellbeing but no The Locus Of Control Questionnaire knows precisely what it means in general. The concept was further corroborated by Lawtonas involving a multi-dimensional evaluation The Locus Of Control Questionnaire both intrapersonal and social normative criteria of an individual in the past, current and anticipated which he concluded is ultimately decided by his objective and subjective dimensions of his psychological well-being. Early researchers inferred the psychological wellbeing of individuals through objective and subjective indicators with specific socially desirable responses to assess living conditions which may be in respect of the percentage of the unemployed labour force and crime rates.

It may also be in terms of material well-being, health, productivity, intimacy, safety and emotional wellbeing.

The Locus Of Control Questionnaire

These indicators are satisfaction weighted by their importance to the individuals and also normative to a population or group Cummins, Thus, where one individual may access his life as a whole by focusing on his employment status, another individual may focus his assessment on his relationships with family and friends. The position of Cummins was supported by Bouchey, etal who proposed that the individual conceptualization of the psychological wellbeing depends on subjective evaluation, functional expression and emotional evaluation.

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For long, attention of researchers, psychotherapist, psychologists, clinicians and social workers have focused more on psychological wellbeing of individuals thereby The Locus Of Control Questionnaire less attention to its vital definite determinants such as locus of control and gender-related factors. This has however created a big service information gap on the psychological wellbeing experienced by individuals most especially students.

However, very few researchers have evaluated the effect of gender and locus of control as predictors of psychological wellbeing of individuals. This problem necessitates the need for the study. It is believed that this study will be of immense benefits to students, clinicians, psychologists, sociologists, medical practitioners and future researchers. The study through its findings will adequately improve the mental capability, cognitive development and psychological wellbeing of the students which will further lead to improvement in all facets of their life.

The Locus Of Control Questionnaire

The study is delineated to examine the effect of gender and locus of control on the psychological wellbeing of distance learning students with strong emphasis on distance learning students in the University of Ibadan. Furthermore, descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson product correlation technique, the analysis of the variance, and multiple regression analysis were employed to test the stated hypothesis. People with high psychological wellbeing feel happy, well supported and are satisfied with life. Get The Complete Project Now! To examine the relationship between locus of control and psychological wellbeing of distance learning students.]

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