Quantitative And Qualitative - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Are not: Quantitative And Qualitative

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Quantitative And Qualitative 834
Quantitative And Qualitative Quantitative And Qualitative

Quantitative vs Qualitative. Quantitative and Qualitative are two terms between which a variety of differences can be identified.

Quantitative And Qualitative

Quantitative has a lot to do with the quantity of an object or a person. On the other hand, qualitative has a lot to do with the quality or the attribute of an object or a person. In other words, it can be said that qualitative refers to the quality whereas quantity refers to a number.

This is one of the main differences between the two terms qualitative and Quantitative And Qualitative. This article attempts to provide a broader understanding of the difference between the two words. A Quantitatife is something that can be counted or measured.

What is Qualitative?

It can refer to almost anything such as heightweightsize, length, etc. Quantitative is objective. There can only be one interpretation of it, not many as in the case of qualitative. Quantitative is something that Quantitative And Qualitative only be measured but cannot be experienced. Quantitative terms are used in scientific procedures that primarily involve objects. Some of the words that are used in the description of anything quantitative are hot, cold, long, short, fast, slow, large, small, Quantitative And Qualitative, few, heavy, light, near, far and the like.

A close look at the words mentioned above will make the difference between the two terms, namely, qualitative and quantitative very clear indeed. This establishes the fact that quantitative terms are Quantitaative in nature.

This highlights the nature of quantitative. Now let us move on to qualitative. What is Qualitative? A Qualiitative is a property or an attribute that a person or an object possesses. Hence, it is used to describe the object or the person as the case may be.

Difference Between Quantitative and Qualitative Data

In opposition to quantitative, qualitative is subjective. Qualitative is something that cannot Quantitative And Qualitative measured but can only be experienced. Qualitative terms are used in forms of appreciation such as poetryliteratureand music. In other words, it can be said that qualitative is a term associated with creativity whereas quantitative is a term associated with anything practical. Some of the words that are used in the description of anything qualitative are good, useless, ugly, beautiful, hard, soft, boring, fascinating, interesting, filthy, neat, dark, pale, wonderful, colorful, evil, angelic and the like.

Quantitative And Qualitative

It is true that the terms mentioned above are used in our daily life. This highlights that the words qualitative and quantitative describe the contrasting attributes of an object or even a person. This difference can be summed up in the following manner. What is the Difference Between Quantitative and Qualitative? Quantitative And Qualitative Qualitative has a lot to do with the quality or the attribute of an object or a person. Qualitative: Qjantitative is a property or an attribute that a person or an object possesses.

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So it can be used to describe the object or the person as the case may be. Quantitative: Quantitative is objective. Qualitative: qualitative is subjective. Quantitative: Quantitative Quantitative And Qualitative are used in scientific procedures that primarily involve objects. More info Qualitative terms are used in forms of appreciation such as poetry, literature, and music. Quantitative: Words that are used in the description of anything quantitative are hot, cold, long, short, fast, Quantitativd, large, small, many, few, heavy, light, near, far and the like.

Qualitative: Words that are used in the description of anything qualitative are good, useless, ugly, beautiful, hard, soft, boring, fascinating, interesting, filthy, neat, dark, pale, wonderful, colorful, evil, angelic and the like.]

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