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Good idea: The Great Lakes Of Water

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Article Report On The Thomas Hill 2 days ago · A group of Great Lakes mayors has estimated that in the last year alone, high water, flooding and erosion has caused $ million worth of damage in cities throughout the region. 8 hours ago · The Great Lakes are a group of interconnected lakes located on the Canada–United States border. Lake Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth. Nov 04,  · Even casual observers of Great Lakes issues are aware of the problems associated with algal blooms. Perhaps they remember the headlines from August when Toledo went without drinking water for three days due to the threat of toxic blooms contaminating the city’s water supply. Or a day their favorite beach posted “No Swimming” signs because of toxic algal bloom threats.
The Great Lakes Of Water 781

The Great Lakes Of Water - pity

Army Corps of Engineers is urging caution around Great Lake piers, breakwaters and jetties, especially during times of high wind and wave events. Many accidents and incidents happen near harbor structures during turbulent weather late in the year — and higher-than-normal water levels pose an added threat. The Great Lakes are experiencing higher-than-normal water levels, which bring hazards like submerged breakwaters, dangerous rip currents and electric shock risks, according to a news release. Many piers, docks and portions of breakwaters may not be visible above the water surface because of high water and waves. Breakwater structures — built for navigation but often used for recreation — can be hazardous because of uneven, slippery surfaces and large stones that may be hidden below the water. News Local News Michigan. Actions Facebook Tweet Email. By: FOX Rip currents and structural currents are common causes of drowning. The Great Lakes Of Water

The Great Lakes Of Water - something

In a heavily industrialized region like ours and like many in the Great Lakes Basin, source water protection means preventing pollution from entering our waterways, or protecting the best of what is left. Larger waterbodies further downstream have suffered from legacy toxic pollution from industry and development. In Western New York, the upstream headwaters regions are still fairly pristine, and protecting them goes a long way toward our larger goal of clean water throughout the watershed. Through our Headwaters Initiative at Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, our goal is to protect the undeveloped headwater forests and wetlands that serve as a filter for drinking water flowing into Lake Erie, the Niagara River, and Lake Ontario. By preserving this critical acreage, the health of the entire region will be protected for future generations. The greatest opportunities to preserve our fresh water are available where large areas of intact landscapes remain undisturbed — the headwaters. As this water travels downstream towards the Great Lakes, creating larger rivers and streams, it accumulates pollutants and encounters many barriers.

The Great Lakes Of Water Video

Great Lakes on the Brink: Rising Water Levels

Every few seconds, a wave slammed into the breakwall protecting the base of the lighthouse, sending a silver splash high into the air, much to the delight of the photographers and young families there to take in the sights.

Creative solutions

Hikers and beachcombers who trekked along Bridgestone shoreline to the remote, historic lighthouse at Ludington State Park once had ample room between the pulsating waves and the metal breakwall. The hope is that the reinforcements will slow erosion, save the beach, protect the base of the lighthouse and preserve the low-lying dunes. From feet above the beach on the deck of the lighthouse, the effects of a changing climate and a lake near historically high levels are clear: Increased precipitation, rising temperatures and human development across the Great Lakes basin have changed Lake Michigan and the lives of the millions who live, work and play along the coast in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin.

While Illinois is home to one of the most intensely The Great Lakes Of Water coastlines across the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan still has the sandiest shores and therefore draws the most visitors, experts say. Michigan alone hasacres of sand dune formations, the vast majority of which are on the shores of Lake Michigan. The third largest Great Lake by surface area second by volume is an eclectic mix of dune bluffs, sandy beaches, rugged rocks, major Midwestern cities, tourist towns and marshlands. But it is also emblematic of the myriad issues facing all of the Great Lakes as LLakes climate continues to change. Surging water levels have collapsed bluffs, swamped coastal dune lands, erased beaches and damaged homes, businesses, aWter, trails, campgrounds and sewer systems.

Controlled retreat

Residents and officials are scrambling to find new solutions as stone barriers and beach replenishment are often too costly and ineffective over the long-term. In Illinois, environmental officials, engineers and scientists are experimenting with offshore reefs and shoals with the idea of blunting the force of storm surges before they eat away at the sand, dunes and marshland habitats.

Meanwhile in Chicago, residents have dealt with submerged beaches and waterlogged trails as officials pour millions into shoreline protections. In Wisconsin, cities and towns up and down the coast are spending read article on gender such as stormwater sewer upgrades and pier stabilization.

Back at Big Sable Point, the landscape looks a lot The Great Lakes Of Water today than it did several years ago. The water, and the wind, have been eroding so much of the near dunes, Gallie said, that rangers and visitors have been uncovering a trove of treasures once buried.

The Great Lakes Of Water

More troubling, an abandoned Dow Chemical pipeline buried near the shore also became exposed. As more precipitation falls on the upper Midwest and temperatures continue to rise, communities all around Lake Michigan have been hunting for solutions for how to deal with a changing climate and an altered lakeshore. On the western shores of Michigan, houses have begun to slip into the lake because of eroding coastal dunes, leading homeowners to stabilize their structures, build waterfront The Great Lakes Of Water or move altogether.

Last winter, a home in Muskegon County tumbled into the lake. In Chicago, city and federal officials have battled lakefront flooding with boulders and trail repairs.

The Great Lakes Of Water

To the north in Wisconsin, homes, piers and sewer systems need reinforcements from an encroaching lake. In Orchard Beach State Park, north of Manistee, Michigan, park officials are planning to relocate the historic pavilion building that overlooks the lake because of the danger of erosion. With the foot bluff eroding at a rapid rate, Barry and the park staff had The Great Lakes Of Water difficult decision to make regarding the historic pavilion with sweeping lake vistas that hosts weddings, picnics and parties. Ultimately, Barry said they decided to completely relocate the building, built by the Civilian Conservation Corps and opened in the s.

The movement of sand, and its effects on the shoreline and the underwater environment, is the focus of offshore projects at Illinois Beach State Park in Zion and the Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve in Lake County, north The Great Lakes Of Water Chicago. There, a consortium of agencies, including the U. Army Corps of Engineers, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, private researchers and the Lake County Forest Preserves, is working to install a series of offshore reefs and underwater natural breakwalls. The goal is to protect the shoreline, including the popular beaches at the state park, but also study whether reducing the flow of sand, sediment and crashing waves along the shore will alter the character of the lake itself, the nearshore habitat, the beaches and the unique marshlands beyond.

The project is focused on coastal restoration and underwater habitat improvement. Out in the water, the underwater reefs, made of large limestone blocks, tree roots, small cobblestones and sand, may end up having two benefits: A Nurse Hospice Of Benefits the aquatic habitat for fish and state-threatened mudpuppies while also protecting the shoreline and the nearshore lakeshore bed, said Jim Anderson, director of natural resources for the Lake County Forest Preserve District. The reefs, constructed parallel to the shore about to feet out, were designed so that when the lake levels subside, they will still be underwater. On land, preservation work on 1. Environmental Protection Agency.

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A few miles to the north, scientists are studying how the lake is interacting with the shore and exploring nature-based solutions to help protect the beach and the nearshore habitats; blunt the force of the waves, especially in record-high levels; and The Great Lakes Of Water the movement of sediment and sand. Jack Cox, a coastal engineer with Edgewater Resources who is a scientific consultant for lakeshore projects, including at Illinois Beach State Park, has been studying how waves act and react to the lake bed Greag the shore.

Cox is using a giant physical model of the Lake Michigan coast at a facility in Wallingford, England.

The Great Lakes Of Water

Cox and others built a model — so large you can enter it with waders — of the shoreline so they could see how waves form, react as they crash into the shore and affect the movement of sand.]

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