Myths of the Mound Builders -

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The myth and folklore of ancient cultures speak of a vast cycle of time with alternating dark and golden ages; Plato called it the Great Year. Most of us were taught that this cycle was just a myth and the golden age, just a fairytale. Moreover, they show that it seems to be connected to or driven by a known astronomical phenomenon, the precession of the equinox. We all know the two celestial motions that have a profound effect on life and consciousness. Precession of the equinoxes as seen from 'outside' the celestial dome. The second Copernican motion , the earth revolving around the sun, has an equally significant effect, prompting trillions of life forms to spring out of the ground, to bloom, fruit, and then decay, while billions of other species hibernate, spawn, or migrate en masse.

Myths of the Mound Builders - phrase

Annunaki Bloodline. The Annunaki are thought to be linked to Reptilians, and have been continuously said to be the same species; however, there is no evidence to support that argument. Hydraulic Motor Driving Center Thickener. The Pleiadian Realm is the next step or level in our human evolution. In the fourteen tablets of Enki One of the Ancient Annunaki God's the history of the Anunnaki is explained in great detail. Such practices are belived to curry favor with the annunaki. The Annunaki decendants and their bloodline mingled with humans creating powerful hybrids that became the creators of the pyramids, stonehenge, mermaids, Goliath, the Illuminati, Merovingians. Myths of the Mound Builders Myths of the Mound Builders

The Mound Builders Cahokia We in the United State have been lead to believe that our for fathers that landed at James town and Plymouth were the first civilized civilization to inhabit this country.

Historical Perspectives on the Golden Age

Ignorantly disregarding the indigenous people that already inhabited these lands. The United State went as far as creating an Act in congress to rid the Native American culture and steal Myths of the Mound Builders that the Indians inhabited the "Removal Act ofwhich ordered the relocation of eastern Indians to land. Myths of the Mound Builders The first time I heard about the Mound Builders, which was in this class, these people seemed like a very primitive group.

What was so exciting about having the skill of piling up a bunch of dirt.

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Then I was able to see some of these mounds and the scale was nothing I had imagined. These mounds were huge and also contained distinct structural shapes. Tombs, houses, and religious structures were constructed in or on top of the mounds.

What made the edifices even. Throughout history there have been ebbs and flows identified within all facets of human history, and the Native American mound-builders were no different.

Heavenly Observations

The mound-building peoples of the Eastern United States U. Cahokia is arguably one of the most influential cities in its time.

Myths of the Mound Builders

Although there is little known about Buildets, aspects of their culture like games, artifacts, and religious aspects can be found throughout the Americas. If so much of the area had not been bulldozed before being excavated, we may have known more about the area. Cahokia had such an impact during its time, traces of Cahokia can be found in other communities such as the Osage, Pawnee, and many more.

The Mound Builders ( Cahokia )

Cahokia made its huge mark. That is how we stay alive and alert. We are constantly innovating and adjusting to our surroundings. Even during the late centuries early civilizations have been adapting to their beautiful and majestic lives. For a prime example, the ancient mounds of the Cahokia clan and the largest earthworks in the Western. In the Mississippi River floodplain, where the water table was always high and where the could thrive,the Mississippi valley had been the first and only one to be so carefully engineered.

Myths of the Mound Builders

It is about miles from the University of Memphis and it takes approximately three hours to get there. Ford,p.]

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