Grace And Law Theological Reflection -

Grace And Law Theological Reflection

Grace And Law Theological Reflection - something is

Kline as the means of examining and advising the church on theological issues dividing its membership asunder. It certainly involves this, and your committee has taken pains to work with and comment upon every area of the standards that is relevant to the mandate. Though acknowledging that Scripture, not the Westminster Standards , has the last word in theological disputes, in point of fact the report reverses the priority, giving first place to the confessional teaching. Here again, we find an attempt at rewriting the history of the dispute, shifting the center of attention away from the true cause——the teaching of Norman Shepherd, former systematics professor at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Shepherd was chosen by Murray to fill his position on the seminary faculty upon retirement. Peculiar to the Mosaic economy, however, is the operation of the works-inheritance-principle in a very restricted sphere or manner. A number ofexplanations have been provided within historic Reformed theology concerning this unique covenantal arrangement in the period extending from Moses to Christ, what is the old economy of redemption. Murray clearly was not a Barthian, but his novel teaching did imbibe some of the new thinking that was quickly gaining ground. And so it was Murray who opened to door at Westminster to the radical deviation in covenant theology struck by Shepherd and his staunchest supporter, Richard Gaffin, Jr. Crucial here, additionally, is recognition of the requisite theological distinction between decretive election to salvation applicable to all those for whom Christ died and national, theocratic election the election of ancient Israel under Moses as covenant-mediator. Grace And Law Theological Reflection

We the People … in order … to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Because neither the People nor their leaders are angels, 2 The Federalist No. See Gracr H. Indeed, the Framing Generation had great awareness of Calvinist Theology.

Indeed, the idea of law itself as sovereign is the key. My essay on Constitutional Sovereignty demonstrated why the Augustinian or Calvinist theological view required sovereignty to be vested in the law, or more precisely a written constitution, rather than in person King or dictator or group of people parliament or a party. Constitutional Sovereignty has three aspects. The theological foundation is Paul, Augustin, Calvin, and Kuyper as well as others. The constitutional foundation is Justices Scalia, Gorsuch, Reflectioh, and Black as well as many other Originalist scholars.

And they insisted on a supermajority of those conventions to ratify the original Constitution. BarnetteU.

Grace And Law Theological Reflection

In sum, because humanity is sinful, power and responsibility must not be concentrated in any one person a President or King or groups of persons a Parliament or the Courts. Bratt, ed. Thro, Angels Do Not Governsupra note 6. The theological foundation is Kuyper, but Kuyper simply tied together some threads from Calvin.

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Like Constitutional Sovereignty, Constitutional Grace is firmly rooted in an Augustinian Grrace Calvinist theological perspective. Statements from leading figures of the Framing Generation confirm this understanding of the interdependence of freedom, virtue, and religion. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue. That we see ourselves in other people.

That we can recognize common hopes and common dreams.

Grace And Law Theological Reflection

Yet, whatever the breadth of Constitutional Grace, the essentials are Dignity and Forgiveness.]

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