The Parable Of The Workers -

The Parable Of The Workers

The Parable Of The Workers Video

The Parable of The Laborers In The Vineyard The Parable Of The Workers

Parish Blog

When I was 18 years old my father sold the family business and went to work for a construction company. I lost my job and needed another to make money for college. I tried getting on with my dad's new employer as a day laborer. That didn't work out too well.

The Parable Of The Workers

Every morning men would gather in a large room at the company headquarters. Workers were always needed to carry material and do a lot of the grunt work on building sites. The pay was minimum wage, and the hours were long. We must be willing to enter the vineyard and work. We have to want to work. And we have to endure to the end of the workday, however long that might be. On two consecutive mornings I showed up eager to work and stood around with grown men twice my age and experience. Both times I was turned down for work.

The Parable Of The Workers

I watched as the boss handed out jobs to the others. It was disappointing and a bit humiliating for me. I was not used to being passed The Parable Of The Workers. After the second morning of no work I got the message. I was not going to be selected for any source that day or any day. I could not rely on my father's name or reputation, at least not with this company. I had to make my own way.

I went out and found work on my own. In fact I found two jobs and went on to make enough money to get a start on college that fall. This experience taught me valuable lessons. I learned resourcefulness, to endure and to continue searching to find work. I learned that an owner can hire who he wants, when he wants, and pay the worker what he says is fair.

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Those two days that I stood in the workroom of the construction company and looked for Paable taught me a life lesson. They taught me that the boss can do what he wishes with the resources of his company. If he is a good and gracious employer the company will It was not my place to argue with him.

It was my responsibility to learn from the experience and get on with my life. I've often thought about this experience when I read one of the parables Jesus Christ used The Parable Of The Workers teach us about the work He calls us to for the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 20 Christ Workere a parable of workers toiling away in a vineyard. The Parable Of The Workers are "hired" to work for God, and when we grasp this truth it gives our lives, and even the work we do in our lives, purpose and meaning. If we can grasp this key it ignites life with passion, energy and devotion. Jesus stated: "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent then into his vineyard" Matthew Matthew [1] For the kingdom of heaven is like to a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard.]

One thought on “The Parable Of The Workers

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