Mating Systems In Primate Mating System -

Mating Systems In Primate Mating System Mating Systems In Primate Mating System

Plant mating systems play a key role in structuring genetic variation both within and between species. In hybrid zones, the outcomes and dynamics of hybridization are usually interpreted as the balance between gene flow and selection against hybrids. Yet, mating systems can introduce selective forces that alter these expectations; with diverse outcomes for the level and direction of gene flow depending on variation in outcrossing and whether the mating systems of the species pair are the same or divergent.

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We present a survey of hybridization in species pairs from 41 plant families and examine how patterns of hybridization vary with mating system. We combine these results with a simulation model and examples from the literature to address two general themes: 1 the two-way interaction between introgression and the evolution of reproductive systems, and 2 how mating system can facilitate or restrict interspecific gene flow. We Prlmate that examining mating system with hybridization provides unique opportunities to understand divergence and the processes underlying reproductive isolation. Mating system variation in hybrid zones : facilitation, barriers and asymmetries to gene flow.

Mating Systems In Primate Mating System

N2 - Plant mating systems play a key role in structuring genetic variation both within and between species. AB - Plant mating systems play a key role in structuring genetic variation both within and between species. Mating system variation in hybrid here facilitation, barriers and asymmetries to gene flow.

Associated Data

Plant and Microbial Biology. Overview Fingerprint. Abstract Plant mating systems play a key role in structuring genetic variation both within and between species. Keywords gene flow hybridization introgression mating system reproductive isolation.

Mating Systems In Primate Mating System

Access Link to publication in Scopus. Link to the citations in Scopus. New Phytologist3 In: New PhytologistVol. New Phytologist. In: New Phytologist.]

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