Adolescence As A Young Age -

Advise: Adolescence As A Young Age

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Adolescence As A Young Age Adolescence As A Young Age

Quality of Life Research. Purpose Adolescents and young adults AYA with Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBD report higher depressive symptoms and anxiety compared to healthy controls, with disease severity and abdominal pain being important factors.

Adolescence As A Young Age

We also included loneliness as a component of well-being. Methods Data on depression, anxiety, loneliness, friendship quality, social self-efficacy, and disease embarrassment were collected from AYA with IBD ages 14—25 years; data on disease severity and abdominal pain were taken from their medical records. Results Using SEM, we established that higher IBD disease activity negatively impacted how AYA felt about their friendships and how embarrassed they were about their condition; embarrassment then influenced reports of mental health, including loneliness.

Abdominal pain, disease onset, and social self-efficacy directly predicted internalising problems.

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Conclusion In this sample of 14—year-old patients with IBD, specifics about the disease severity and pain predicted poorer mental health, suggesting discussion of mental health should be part of the clinical dialogue between patient and consultant. In addition, embarrassment about their condition increased depression, anxiety, and loneliness, mediating the relationship between disease severity and well-being. Thus, it is important to consider how perceived stigma affects those with chronic illness, and those issues should be explored in clinic. Depression, anxiety, and loneliness among adolescents and young adults with IBD in the UK: the role of disease severity, age of onset, and embarrassment of the condition.

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Adolescence As A Young Age

Marie Hatton.]

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