Hospital For A Scheduled Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Removal Video
External Ventricular Drain (EVD) Hospital For A Scheduled Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt RemovalBut when too much of this fluid builds up, it can harm brain function and lead to other complications. Fortunately, our experienced team can provide relief from this condition, called hydrocephalus.
We help many children every year, with options here surgery that take a light approach and an intensive care unit for recovery. Hydrocephalus involves cerebrospinal fluid CSFthe clear liquid that bathes the brain and spinal cord. This fluid is continuously produced in spaces inside the brain called ventricles connected by narrow passageways. Normally, the fluid flows around the brain and spine eventually getting absorbed and sent to the kidneys and liver for removal. This pressure can damage the tissue and affect the way the brain works. Less frequently a child may develop or acquire the condition later on.
Hydrocephalus is sometimes apparent on an ultrasound while a baby is still in the womb. For infants and older children, we provide complete neurological examination. We use scans such as ultrasound, computed tomography CT or MRI to look for swollen or damaged tissue or cracks in the skull. Special Hospital For A Scheduled Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Removal can also help us evaluate pressure inside the brain. Learn more about what to expect during a neurological examination. Our neurosurgery program offers the full range of minimally invasive, endoscopic treatments for hydrocephalus.
During these surgeries, your child receives general anesthesia. A tube-like scope with a fiber optic camera allows the surgeon to see inside the brain and work to relieve pressure. Treatments include:. During the surgery, the surgeon creates a new passageway from one of the ventricles. This treatment allows cerebrospinal fluid to flow toward the surface of the brain and get absorbed by the body. These devices consist of flexible tubing and a valve and send away excess cerebrospinal fluid.
Most commonly, surgeons run the tubing to the peritoneal cavity, the space containing organs such as the stomach and There, the fluid gets absorbed by the bloodstream. Ventriculo-peritoneal VP shunts are both flexible and sturdy.
They also make sure any shunts placed remain effective, as your child may occasionally need extra care. We work to ensure your child continues to thrive, and that often requires a team. Your child may need to see a physical or occupational therapist. Find a doctor. What is hydrocephalus? What causes hydrocephalus?

Signs of hydrocephalus in infants Unusually large head at birth or head that grows rapidly in size Extreme sleepiness Frequent or severe vomiting Trouble looking up when the head is facing forward Seizures Signs of hydrocephalus in older children Severe headaches Blurred or double vision Trouble looking up Problems with balance, coordination, standing or walking Loss of bladder control Extreme tiredness Personality changes or irritability for no apparent reason Delays in reaching developmental milestones Trouble remembering and focusing Hydrocephalus diagnosis Hydrocephalus is sometimes apparent on an ultrasound while a baby is still in the womb. Get care. Close to home.

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