The Process Of Hiv Aids -

The Process Of Hiv Aids - your idea

Print, Share, or View Spanish version of this article. Human immunodeficiency virus HIV infection affects the body in a wide variety of ways. With early testing and appropriate treatment, children in the United States rarely develop the severe signs and symptoms of HIV infection. Children with HIV infection may show few signs or symptoms. Children with HIV infection may have. Frequent infections, including pneumonia, diarrhea, and thrush ie, a yeast infection on the surfaces of the mouth. Incubation period: If the infection is acquired before or during birth from infected mothers, children typically develop signs or symptoms between 12 and 18 months of age, although many remain symptom free for more than 5 years. With treatment, most children live into adulthood.

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The Process Of Hiv Aids

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The Process Of Hiv Aids

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Hillsdale, nj: Erlbaum.

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The Process Of Hiv Aids

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The Process Of Hiv Aids

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