Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction -

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction.

When you live through something frightening, painful, or disturbing, the memories can haunt you for a long time. This often leads to abusing drugs and alcohol to numb the pain, which can result in addiction.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health disorder triggered by witnessing or Addixtion a terrifying event. PTSD is diagnosed if the distress lasts for months or years and interferes with daily life. This response helps us deal with an overwhelming situation. So, this is a healthy response to protect ourselves. However, this often results in avoidance symptoms, intrusive thoughts and memories, and severe emotional and physical reactions to triggers. You may feel sad, upset, or frightened for a while, but after some time the pain goes away and life returns to normal.

The Links Between PTSD and Addiction

When you suffer from trauma, the fight or flight response becomes seriously damaged. The mind goes on overload and PTSD symptoms start to develop. You might find that the trauma you experienced is impossible to get over on your own. Additionally, you may feel a range of overwhelming Truama and physical symptoms such as:. It could have occurred in your childhood and it is almost impossible to recognize what is causing your life to become unraveled.

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

Most people who are struggling with addiction have also experienced serious past trauma. This occurs most often because of patients self-medicating to relieve symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD. This includes depression, anxiety, and panic.]

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

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