Tips For Quitting A Job -

Tips For Quitting A Job - were not

I quit full-time teaching three years ago, and Dragon Guy quit his job a year ago after receiving a severance package. So between the two of us, we now have over 4 years of early retirement experience. Over the next few posts we will be highlighting the process we went through of leaving our jobs and transitioning into early retirement. This first post will be about the steps to take before quitting. Are you exploring your options before you get another job? Very few people have asked me how I was able to retire early, anyway. Dragon Guy said he was going to take some time off and travel for a month to New Zealand. Tips For Quitting A Job Tips For Quitting A Job

Jeff Gillis 0 Comments.

Tips For Quitting A Job

Are there alternatives to quitting that will enable you to find more satisfaction in your work without leaving the company? Can you afford to quit right now? If you quit, is your decision one that is going to just affect you or do you have an entire family relying on you as the breadwinner?


Once you leave your job, those benefits usually stop. In order to make this transition as easy and professional of possible, there are a series of tasks you should undertake before you turn in your notice. Get ready…now. Do you use a company computer? Make sure you get whatever you need before you turn in your notice. The last thing you want to do is to get busted for corporate espionage or intellectual property theft. Ideally you should write a formal letter of resignation and deliver it in person, but at the very least make sure you get in a personal phone call and then send in your letter.

Need inspiration? Click HERE to read. Speak with your direct supervisors first before moving your way Tips For Quitting A Job the chain of Tips For Quitting A Job before finally ending with HR. Industry standard is to give your employer at least two-weeks notice before your last day for most jobsbut in some instances and industries, you might be asked to stick around for one reason or another.

If your job takes extensive training, your employer might ask you to stay to help ease the transition with whoever is replacing you.

Tips For Quitting A Job

Not only will Quittinv do wonders for bridge building Quittign your soon to be former boss, but word might get to future employers that even under difficult circumstances, you are a team player. In the event you already have another job lined up and they expect you to be there at a certain date, make Tips For Quitting A Job you communicate that to your now former boss.

You might not be able to be there physically but being reachable via phone and or email within reason might help soften the blow of you leaving. Make sure, however, that all this is done within reason and that there is a firm stop date. Instead of these two weeks or longer as an opportunity to fluff off, keep your head down and push through with the same level of professionalism you were delivering before.

Not only will the transition be easier, but leaving your former employers with good memories of you will make any future references easier to secure and more positive. As we said earlier, some companies can see an employee quitting as a personal insult which can result in an uncomfortable conversation or two. Make sure you keep your cool and maintain a professional position no matter what.

Knowing When to Quit Your Job

If a counter offer is made promotion, raise, responsibilities, company car, etc. Quitting in the heat of the moment might make for compelling television, but in real life there are serious oJb to every action. Get everything in order before you drop the 2 week bomb on your here. Clean up your computer and work space and make sure any and all company property is accounted for.]

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