Symptoms And Treatment Of Lung Cancer -

Symptoms And Treatment Of Lung Cancer Video

Lung cancer: signs, symptoms, causes and treatment Symptoms And Treatment Of Lung Cancer Symptoms And Treatment Of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer possesses a significant global health burden and is one of the Cander common cancers. Worldwide, every year around 2 million new cases, and approximately 1. To raise awareness about risk factors, signs and symptoms, and the importance of early detection of lung cancer, every year, the entire month of November is observed as Lung cancer awareness month. Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs and spreads to link nodes or other organs in the body, such as the brain.

Expected Symptoms of Lung Cancer

It starts in the bronchi centre of the chest and metastasizes at a much higher rate. SCLC is divided into two subtypes, i. Small cell carcinoma oat-cell cancer and Combined small cell carcinoma.

Symptoms And Treatment Of Lung Cancer

The primary risk factor of SCLC is cigarette smoking, and it is observed that the majority of the affected individuals smoke or have a history of smoking. SCLC is found to occur more frequently in the male population as compared to females. These cases are expected to grow during the study period — Both types of cancer show different growth patterns and are treated differently.

What Is Metastatic Cancer?

In comparison to SCLC, it is relatively insensitive to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. According to the type of cells found in the tumour and the response to the treatment, the NSCLC is divided into three main types, which include Adenocarcinomas, Squamous cell carcinomas, and large cell carcinomas. At an early stage, it is difficult to notice the signs and symptoms of lung cancer.

The primary reason being the symptoms are poorly understood at the early stages and often mistaken for other respiratory infection problems which share similar symptoms with lung cancer.]

Symptoms And Treatment Of Lung Cancer

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