Self Discipline How Do I Change From -

Self Discipline How Do I Change From

Self Discipline How Do I Change From - where

Discipline is one of those words that gets thrown around a lot in entrepreneurial circles. I need to have more willpower. I need to make it happen. And it's incredibly frustrating. In this episode of the Momentum Podcast, Alex is going to demystify discipline. Self Discipline How Do I Change From

Self Discipline How Do I Change From Video

Ex-Navy SEAL Commander: How To Build Self-Discipline

Getting into the habit of exercising self-discipline regularly will help you line up your behavior with your values, leading to greater happiness and more accomplishments. However, there will always be moments when engaging your self-discipline is quite a battle. In these moments, if you have prepared yourself with this simple hack, it will be far easier to get yourself into action Disciplins a path for your highest good. The best way to explain the hack is to look at an example of how it can work.

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There are always plenty of reasons not to follow through, and they all sound great, when you think about Disciplone in the moment. So, you end up doing your best. Sometimes you follow through, other times you fall short. Your circumstances probably have a lot to do with your success rate. What if you take an alternate approach?

Self Discipline How Do I Change From

Instead of setting yourself up to fight individual self-discipline battles every time you eat, what if you take the time to set up a meal plan, shop, and cook ahead of time? You only need to succeed in this once a week, not three times a day.

Wake Up on Time

Afterwards, each time you eat, you have a much smaller battle to fight. The healthy food is right there, in the fridge. You can take it with you or eat it at home. Choosing to grab a pre-cooked meal from the fridge takes a hell of a lot less self-discipline than if you had to figure out a meal, shop, and cook each time.

What makes this approach easier? You can hack self-discipline in almost any area of life or business. Think about the following:. There are a couple additional benefits of using these techniques to hack self-discipline.

Self Discipline How Do I Change From

Momentum always helps! The more momentum you have, the easier it will be to continue following through and the more self-discipline you will build. Second, by separating planning from action, you will be more likely to set click that are for your highest good. How do you hack self-discipline in your life? Please let me know what techniques work best Diwcipline you!

Self Discipline How Do I Change From

Please leave this field empty. Which is bigger, 2 or 8? Constantly fighting battles The best way to explain the hack is to look at an example of how it can work. Use planning and preparation in FFrom to lower the self-discipline requirement for following through on your intentions.

Act Respectfully Toward Others

How else can I apply this hack? Then, throughout the week, you just have to stick to your calendar. Making a to do Chwnge — Similar to pre-planning on a schedule, all you need to do is follow your to do list. Additional benefits There are a couple additional benefits of using these techniques to hack self-discipline. Mission and Vision Statements are only half the picture! If you want a truly intentional culture, you'll need Core Values and Operating Principles, as well.]

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