How Does Cap And Trade System Work -

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How Does Cap And Trade System Work

The best climate policy — environmentally and economically — limits emissions and puts a price on them. Cap and trade is one way to do both.

How Does Cap And Trade System Work

The cap on greenhouse gas emissions that drive global warming is a firm limit on pollution. The cap gets stricter over time.

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The trade part is a market for companies to buy and sell allowances that let them emit only a certain amount, as supply and demand set the price. Trading gives companies a strong incentive save money by cutting emissions in the most cost-effective ways. The government sets the cap across a given industry, or ideally the whole economy. It also decides the penalties for violations. Carbon dioxide and related pollutants that drive global warming are main targets of such caps. Other pollutants that contribute to smog can also be capped. In carbon dioxide's case, the heat-trapping greenhouse gas mixes into the upper atmosphere and has a global effect.

How Does Cap And Trade System Work

Reducing emissions locally lowers levels around the world. The total amount of the cap is split into allowances, each permitting a company to emit one ton of emissions. You'd have to drive 2, miles, roughly the distance between New York and Las Vegas, to emit that much carbon dioxide. The government distributes the allowances to the companies, either for free or through an auction.

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The cap typically declines over time, providing a growing incentive for industry and businesses to reduce their emissions more efficiently, while keeping production costs down. Companies that cut their pollution faster can sell allowances to companies that pollute more, or "bank" them for future use.

This market — the "trade" part of continue reading and trade — gives companies flexibility. It increases the pool of available capital to make reductions, encourages companies to cut pollution faster and rewards innovation. As companies use established techniques to lower emissions, such as adopting Systwm technology, entrepreneurs see opportunity. Ever wonder why you don't hear about acid rain anymore?]

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