Survive a Zombie Apocalypse -

Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Say what you will about the zombie apocalypse, but when one does occur, will you be prepared? You could get eaten alive, shot in the head, or fatally bitten, die, and slowly turn into one of the creatures yourself. That shit is far less fun.

Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

So, to help Apocalypde us in the event of a zombie outbreak or, to keep us better informed when idiots on The Walking Dead make stupid, regretful decisionsI spoke to Deidter Stadnykthe main man behind Zombie Survival Campa weekend training camp in Ontario, Canada, that teaches survival skills in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Deidter has served three years in the Regular force Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Armed forces and five years in the reserve force.

So yes, he most certainly has credentials. Sunday is when shit hits the fan.

Maybe we actually could survive!

It gets pretty intense. Deidter: A small group of people usually works best for safe movement through hostile terrain. Deidter: A couch cushion. Deidter: The population density in a metropolitan setting is far too dense with people and zombies. You do have the comfort go here infrastructure, but movement between buildings is far too Survive a Zombie Apocalypse. The open space of a rural area allows for maximum zombie dispersion.

It boils down to simple math, really. Deidter: A baseball stadium or equivalent is ideal. You have a very tall perimeter, plus a large outdoor space to grow food. Deidter: Zomjitsu is our customized hand-to-rotting-hand combat technique. If you are against a zombie without any weapon, zomjitsu is your final defense to create space between you and the zombie, and evade it without getting bit.

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Our zomjitsu instructor combines many different martial arts he has trained in, including parkour and systema. Deidter: Defensive will get you so far, but eventually the zombies will close in around you as any activity does not go unnoticed. Plus, it keeps morale up, as you get Survige accomplish a very tangible goal every day of killing zombies. Deidter: The best weapons are the ones that are easy to find, Survive a Zombie Apocalypse you are already comfortable with.

Something light that can be used without too much effort is also a plus.

Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

A screwdriver through the eyeball is an easy kill to get. A baseball bat is also ideal, as everyone knows how to swing a bat, so your days of beer league baseball can easily be applied to score a grand slam on a zombie skull.]

One thought on “Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

  1. What interesting phrase

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