![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Citizen Kane And The American Dream](https://usercontent1.hubstatic.com/4108342.jpg)
It provides a target. And there are plenty of reasons to do both. Its familiarity actually proves just how singular and inspirational it remains today.
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Welles was the first to admit he had no clue what he was doing when he showed up to direct Kane after signing the infamous RKO contract that finally coaxed him away from the Mercury Theatre and into Hollywood. He fought for money, story freedom, casting, and full creative control with final cut all before anyone was sure he could handle the transition from stage to screen. He mined s German Expressonist films to create his aesthetic and leaned on cinematographer Gregg Toland to do the impossible when asked. Welles was a bold artistic wunderkind who was green enough to think the impossible was possible. So Toland knew this would be an opportunity to think outside the box and Citizen Kane And The American Dream. He could problem solve techniques that had been used previously in ways that would allow them to be utilized in tandem on one single film.

Rather than a transition, you could say Welles was marrying stage and screen together with the help of professionals Toland and editor Robert Wise and newcomers his theatre troupe making their cinematic debuts alongside him and composer Bernard Herrmann. The project would be a nexus point of old school and new to ultimately co-create an undeniable masterpiece. Credit controversy aside, Welles and Herman J.

Mankiewicz crafted a yarn that spoke as much about their own hubris as unproven kids in a candy store as that of American giants with household names. Jumping off the lives of William Randolph Hearst, Samuel Insull, Harold McCormick, Amd Tammany Hall, they concocted a modern—day Icarus born with infinite potential, grand ideals, and unyielding ambition only to find himself burning in close proximity to a sun fueled by the reality that he never truly had to comprehend the meaning Citizen Kane And The American Dream loss outside of the innocence forfeited the moment his mother Agnes Moorehead sold him into the guardianship of a banker better-suited to raising a child of wealth.
He put the boy through private school after private school expulsions abounded and introduced him to a world that could be controlled by the money a lucky land deal provided once he came of age.
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Kane fought a lot of it—holding onto those aforementioned ideals to remember the meager means of his childhood in Colorado with a loving mother and abusive father. As best friend Jedediah Leland Joseph Cotten later explains, however, altruism is about more than being a savior. Money corrupts.

The money leads him onto a path towards material possessions. We watch him retreat from the family life he sought but failed to foster, alienating those he click until family itself became another contracted relationship to be entered onto the calendar alongside business meetings. The only time we truly see Kane vulnerable is the evening he befriends Susan Cihizen still married to Emily. He was to sift through Deeam possessions of his recently deceased mother that night and in turn face what was stolen from him years ago. Their words, filled with plenty of disappointment and regret, express how that void kept click here the farther Kane got from Colorado. He kept trying to throw objects and success into its abyss in the hopes Citizen Kane And The American Dream stemming the tide, but it continued to pull him in deeper regardless.
Love became a transaction. Control became his right. And his loneliness grew.
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Because they all describe the same sorrow-tinged tempestuous rage, we can believe them. They saw who he truly was. They were the ones who were able to call him on his bullshit and fearlessly ensure he confronted it whether or not he had the capacity to understand the maneuvers as anything more than their own power plays—tiny stumbles for which he could smile, dust himself off, and inevitably keep going. To those with money, loss is merely part of a cycle climbing towards new gains.
Narcissism is a potent drug. Could it have coexisted with the money? Citizen Kane And The American Dream not. Who we were during its pursuit rarely survives upon its receipt. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify Anc of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.]
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