The Health Care Industry Of Colorado -

The Health Care Industry Of Colorado - something is

With word of two effective vaccines for COVID possibly on the horizon, Colorado is now faced with figuring out how to store, distribute and track the precious vials. On Monday, drug manufacturer Moderna announced that early data found its coronavirus vaccine was Neither has been approved for distribution, but even without peer review of the data, the developments offer a possible way out of the pandemic. In October, Colorado submitted a draft plan to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that provided a blueprint for how the vaccine would be distributed and which Coloradans would be the first to get them. Jared Polis optimistically predicted the state could get , to , doses in December and early January. The state plan calls for health care workers to be first in line for the vaccine, including those who work in assisted living facilities. Another category, essential workers — think those who work at grocery stores and meatpacking plants — would be prioritized next, and then Coloradans over 65 and those with pre-existing conditions. The draft plan also points to marginalized communities, particularly people of color, who have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus. The Health Care Industry Of Colorado. The Health Care Industry Of Colorado

Updated: November 20, Colirado. The year has presented unprecedented challenges to Coloradans and the world. And, yet, there are still many things for which we should all give thanks. In just eight months, the number of lessons we have learned about the pandemic and our society is remarkable for both their sheer volume and their significance.

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First, we walk among heroes. There is no shortage of stories detailing the long hours, compassion and click here exhibited by the men and women on the front lines of this pandemic. Our nurses, doctors and first responders have poured their hearts into their work, provided the very best care for Coloradans across the state and aided the recovery of patients throughout the Rocky Mountain region. Second, the The Health Care Industry Of Colorado of the health care industry is awe inspiring.

The testing, curative treatments and other advances are happening right here in Colorado. Finally, this Spring, Colorado hospitals demonstrated their commitment to being exceptional community partners. Hospitals across the state joined forces to build a culture of collaboration and shared best practices and treatment protocols to improve patient outcomes. They partnered with state government to provide vital data on the virus. They donated care to those in need and worked tirelessly to educate and advise Coloradans on how to stay safe.

As we look to the beginning of the legislative session and in view of these praiseworthy accomplishments, why would we make sweeping policy changes that would most certainly jeopardize our health-care system? These accomplishments have not been without costs.

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Some lawmakers continue to push for a public option, a policy that will have an adverse impact on the health care that is ultimately paving the way toward our recovery. In fact, many have said the darkest days of the battle are still to come. Uncertainty still reigns but thanks to our health-care system, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We must remain vigilant and we must put our trust in the health care system. The system — like any — is imperfect, but it is excelling in countless way in extraordinary times.

The Health Care Industry Of Colorado

As policy makers contemplate new legislation and significant measures like a public option and Medicare for all, they must take great care not to undo the manifold health benefits our health-care system already has laudably produced — without government intervention. Edit Close.

The Health Care Industry Of Colorado

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The Health Care Industry Of Colorado

Sitting back to watch Democrats' bloodletting.]

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