Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton -

Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton.

Some Trump supporters and advisers have suggested that if the certification of the election can be delayed beyond Dec. Others have speculated that perhaps electors might be persuaded to vote for Trump in spite of the expectation that they would cast their ballots faithfully for the winner in their states. In the minds of some diehard Trump supporters, including individuals at the highest reaches of the Congressional establishment, whatever it takes to get Mr. Trump to Source College votes is fair game. There is nothing illegal about these contrivances. Nothing in the Constitution itself requires the electors to vote Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton the winner of the popular vote in their state.

There are lessons for them — and those who oppose them — in the election ofgenerally considered to be the nastiest in American history. It might be useful to examine another such moment in American political history, the Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton presidential election ofin which the challenger Thomas Jefferson of Virginia unseated his old friend, now his rival, the incumbent President John Adams of Massachusetts. The election of was one of the most contested and vituperative elections in American history. The incumbent John Adams was not well liked, even by his fellow Federalists. His craggy independence and his inconsistent handling of the quasi-war with France an undeclared naval war had perplexed almost everyone in the United States.

Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton

He was being characterized by the emerging Republican Party no relation to today's as a monarchist and a lover of aristocracy, and he stubbornly refused to clarify his views or campaign for re-election in any way. Jefferson was characterized by his detractors as a political radical and demagogue who had spent too much time in revolutionary France, where he served as the American minister between In the end, Jefferson defeated Adams in the Electoral College 73 to Adams skulked out of Washington, D. Adams was actually less angry at Jefferson than at the American people, for retiring Anwlysis after a Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton term.

Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton

For Jefferson to win the election ofhe would need all or most of the Electoral College votes in the southern states, some votes in the middle states, and most of all New York. New York would determine the election. At that early point in American political history, there was no common date for national elections. Each state had its own system and its own election calendar.

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In an era when men of political ambition had to Ajalysis that they were high-minded gentlemen and that politics was a vulgar business beneath their dignity, Burr was a candid political opportunist, who gleefully engaged in the kind of ward and street electioneering that we associate with modern politics.

Burr ran an outstanding campaign against the aloof and self-restrained Federalists under the leadership of Alexander Hamilton. He out-maneuvered Hamilton at every turn. He transformed his own house in lower Manhattan into an election headquarters, threw down mattresses in some of the rooms so his hectic operatives could rest, and maintained an open refreshment table, so that Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton could maintain party discipline and Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton Analyis getting tradesmen, craftsmen, small business owners, and others normally ignored by both parties to the polls.

Aaron Burr, mastermind behind Jefferson's electoral victory in New York. But the simple fact is that Burr outsmarted, out-maneuvered, and out-hustled Hamilton, who never quite got over it. In the wake of the election, Hamilton, perhaps the single most brilliant public figure of the founding generation, convened a caucus to assess the situation and determine if something could be done to forestall the election of Jefferson.

Under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, each state is empowered to determine its own method of choosing electors for the presidential election.]

Analysis Of Alexander Hamilton

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