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Visit at least three e-commerce web sites, not including those mentioned in Chapter 4. Click here to access the template for this assignment. Using the template, briefly describe each sites purpose, and examine the effectiveness and performance of the sites according to the eight basic factors, which are listed below: functionality, informational, ease of use, redundant navigation, ease of purchase, multi-browser functionality, simple graphics, and legible text. For each site visited, list any recommended performance improvements needed based on your analysis. Include screenshots of each site to support your choices. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. You will have at least three references to represent the three e-commerce sites that you choose to review.

Getting your website online can seem like a daunting task — but if you follow the right steps, it can be easier than you might think. There are two ways you can build a website. The second way is to use WordPress. Website builders make it super easy to build a website. You can use a website builder to create a website that looks great, in a matter of hours — or even minutes, in some cases. Website builders come with pre-designed templates that set the style, layout, and color scheme of your site. All you have to do is pick one and add your own content and images. Different builders offer different methods of building and editing your site. I personally prefer drag-and-drop editing, as it gives you more control over the layout. You can position elements wherever you like, or add new elements by simply dragging them into place. Some builders offer a selection of apps to choose from. This is Using The Template Below For Complete This easy way to add functionality to your site — you can have a newsletter, an appointment booking system, a live chat box, or pretty much anything else you can imagine, usually at no Completr cost.

There are plenty of website builders out there, although some are much better than others. My personal favorite is Wixas it offers hundreds of templates more info great flexibility, with lots of free and paid apps. Cmplete

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With a website builder, you can create pretty much any type of website you can imagine. You can create a website for your business, or build an online store to sell your products or services. For instance, you might want to create a website your business that also has a portfolio of your work and an online store.

With the right website builder, the possibilities are endless. Some website builders specialize in certain aspects of site building, so you need to know that the builder you choose offers everything you need. For Albert Einstein, while most builders will let you have an online store on your website, a builder like Shopify is Using The Template Below For Complete This designed for e-commerce. On the other hand, its general-purpose features, such as blogging, are very limited. The most flexible website builder is Wixas it can do anything! It has excellent e-commerce features, tons of apps, and its drag-and-drop editor gives you complete control over how your website looks.

Most website builders have a similar site-building process.


Most website builders have a free plan, or at least a free trial period. The downside to free plans is that they come with a lot of restrictions. Free plans also usually restrict the amount of traffic you can get, and you may not be able to install apps or e-commerce features.

When it comes to choosing your plan, knowing the type of website you want to build can help you select Compoete best plan for both your budget and your needs.

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For example:. Choosing a template for your new website is always the first step in the process. All website builders use templates some call them themes, but the terms mean the same thing as the building blocks of your website.]

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