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Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of Video

Karl Marx \u0026 Conflict Theory: Crash Course Sociology #6 Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of

Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of - simply

Karl Marx's theory of alienation describes the social alienation German : Entfremdung , lit. The alienation from the self is a consequence of being a mechanistic part of a social class, the condition of which estranges a person from their humanity. The theoretical basis of alienation within the capitalist mode of production is that the worker invariably loses the ability to determine life and destiny when deprived of the right to think conceive of themselves as the director of their own actions; to determine the character of said actions; to define relationships with other people; and to own those items of value from goods and services, produced by their own labour. Although the worker is an autonomous, self-realized human being, as an economic entity this worker is directed to goals and diverted to activities that are dictated by the bourgeoisie —who own the means of production —in order to extract from the worker the maximum amount of surplus value in the course of business competition among industrialists. In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of , Karl Marx expressed the Entfremdung theory—of estrangement from the self. Philosophically, the theory of Entfremdung relies upon The Essence of Christianity by Ludwig Feuerbach , which states that the idea of a supernatural god has alienated the natural characteristics of the human being. Moreover, Max Stirner extended Feuerbach's analysis in The Ego and its Own that even the idea of 'humanity' is an alienating concept for individuals to intellectually consider in its full philosophic implication. Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of

Simply Charly: Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of Marx is called the father of modern communism. But was he influenced by any of his predecessors or contemporaries? Explabation Tormey: Yes he was. A famous way of summarizing Marx is by saying that he combined German philosophy with British economics—or political economy—and French politics. Probably the greatest influence on Marx was his teacher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who bequeathed the idea of the dialectic—Hegel thought ideas and beyond that, history progressed through contradiction.

This is very apparent in the economic works where Marx seeks to challenge the liberal view of the origin of value and the idea that people find their worth or value in the market. He was vexed by the hidden dimension https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/story-in-italian/synopsis-of-a-interview-project.php liberalism: the support for enclosure of land, the transformation of self-sufficient peasants into laborers, and so forth.

He liked their tough-mindedness in political terms, their optimism and desire to overthrow creaking feudal orders with modern, rational governance. This is not to say that he followed any of their ideas particularly, but he certainly learned from Max and engaged with them.

Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of

So in sum, Marx was very widely read and very interested in a variety of disciplines and genres. Matx like Capital are replete with references to various theorists and thinkers—usually, disparagingly, it has to be said, but also with grudging respect for the likes of Smith and Mill. Communism equates to the complete abolition of private property, by which Marx meant property that created value such as land, mines, factories, etc. People would continue to enjoy sole use of items like toothbrushes, socks, etc.!

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Private property was for Marx at the root of most evils—inequality, injustice, classes, criminality, etc. During this period, it would be necessary for the state to continue as a mechanism for law enforcement and security against, for example, remnants of the old order. So socialism was a society in transition on the way to communism. SC: What are the three most important contributions Karl Marx made to social theory? ST: This would be, amongst Marxists, hotly contested themselves, but for me, the items that stand out are: 1 Methodological collectivism: a great deal of social theory turns on what we think the individual is—what is human nature?

What needs are specific to humans? And we use these conclusions to arrive at social theory—thus society is selfish and individualistic because this is what humans are like. It is certainly an advance on the kind of thinking Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of insists that where an individual winds up is a function of his or her own merit or ability—which is pretty feeble sociology. It is oblivious to history. Marx shows us that capitalism, rights, individual liberty, and such, are all functions of social reproduction at a particular phase of its development.

High Marx: Simon Tormey’s Take on The “Father of Modern Communism”

This also shows that other kinds of systems are possible—not just socialism or communism. What Marx showed, rather convincingly, is that the condition of the poor often worsens as a result of capitalist development. Thus, without dispossession, there is no capitalism, and without capitalism, fundamental divisions of rich and poor are much harder to sustain and justify in any meaningful or secular sense. ST: Marx was intensely interested in the politics of his day. He closely followed all sorts of insurgencies and crises—such as the strikes of the Moselle https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/gregorys-punctuation-checker-tool/swot-analysis-mayo-medical-laboratories.php, the revolutions, the rise of Louis Napoleon, the Paris Commune—and he wrote a great deal about all of them.

Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of

He was also an activist and so fed the events themselves with manifestos, pamphlets, and analyses. Marx was no armchair philosopher—he walked the walk as well as talking the talk. These disagreements were over many issues: the nature of the historical process, the role of the party in developing revolutionary consciousness, the nature of the transition, etc. They plague the history of Marxism up to the present.]

Karl Marx s Theory And Explanation Of

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