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The Death Of Joseph Original Writing

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It was raining in Baltimore on October 3,but that didn't stop Joseph W. Walker, a compositor for the Baltimore Sunfrom heading out to Gunner's Halla public house bustling with activity. When Walker arrived at Gunner's Hall, he found a man, delirious and dressed in shabby second-hand clothes, lying in the gutter. The man was semi-conscious, and unable to move, but as Walker approached the him, he discovered something unexpected: the man was Edgar Allan Poe. Worried about the health of the addled poet, Walker stopped and asked Poe if he had any acquaintances in Baltimore that might be able to help him. Poe gave Walker the name of Joseph E.

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Snodgrass, a magazine editor with some medical training. Immediately, Walker penned Snodgrass a letter asking for help. There is a gentleman, rather the worse for wear, at Ryan's 4th ward polls, who goes under the cognomen of Edgar A.

The Death Of Joseph Original Writing

Https:// September Ofiginal a week earlier—Poe had left Richmond, Virginia bound for Philadelphia to edit a collection of poems for Mrs.

Leon Loud, a minor figure in American poetry at the time. When Walker found Poe in delirious disarray outside of the polling place, it was the first anyone had heard or seen of the poet since his departure from Richmond. Poe never made it to Philadelphia to attend to his editing business.

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Nor did he ever make it back to New York, where he had been living, to escort his aunt back to Richmond for his impending wedding. Poe was never to leave Baltimore, where he launched his career in the early 19th- century, again—and in the four days between Walker finding Poe outside the public house and Poe's death on October 7, he never regained enough consciousness to explain how he had come to be found, in soiled clothes not his own, incoherent on the The Death Of Joseph Original Writing. Instead, Poe spent his final days wavering between fits of delirium, gripped by visual hallucinations. The night before his death, according to his attending physician Dr. John J. Moran, Poe repeatedly called out for " Reynolds "—a figure who, to this day, remains a mystery.

Poe's death—shrouded in mystery—seems ripped directly from the pages of one of his own works.

The Death Of Joseph Original Writing

He had spent years crafting a careful image a man inspired by adventure and fascinated with enigmas—a poet, a detective, an author, a world traveler who fought in the Greek War of Independence and was held prisoner in Russia.

But though his death certificate listed the cause of death as phrenitis, or swelling of the brain, the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death have led many to The Death Of Joseph Original Writing about the true cause of Poe's demise. Inone of the first theories to deviate from either phrenitis or alcohol was published by biographer E. It is well known that a brain fever followed. As Eugene Didier wrote in his article, "The Grave of Poe," that while in Baltimore, Poe ran into some friends from West Point, who prevailed upon him to join them for drinks.

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Poe, unable to handle liquor, became madly drunk after a single glass of champagne, after which he left his friends to wander the streets. In his drunken state, he "was robbed and beaten by ruffians, and left insensible in the street all night. Others believe that Poe fell victim to a practice known as coopinga method of voter fraud practiced by gangs in the 19th century where an unsuspecting victim would be kidnapped, disguised and forced to vote for a specific candidate multiple times under multiple disguised identities. Voter fraud was extremely common in Baltimore around the mid s, and the polling site where Walker found the disheveled Poe was a known click that coopers brought their victims.

The fact that Poe was found delirious on election day, then, is no coincidence. Over the years, the cooping theory has come to be one of the more widely accepted explanations for Poe's strange demeanor before his death.

Before Prohibition, voters were given alcohol after voting as a sort of reward; had Poe been forced to The Death Of Joseph Original Writing multiple times in a cooping The Death Of Joseph Original Writing, that might explain his semi-conscious, ragged state. Around the late s, Poe's biographer J. Ingram received several letters that blamed Poe's death on a cooping scheme.

A letter from William Hand Browne, a member of the faculty at Johns Hopkins, explains that "the general belief here is, that Poe was seized by one of these gangs, his death happening just at election-time; an election for sheriff took place on Oct.]

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