Robert E Lee s Life Video
Robert E. Lee - Confederate Forces Leader In America's Civil War - Mini Bio - BIO Robert E Lee s LifeHis father was the Revolutionary War hero Henry Lee b.

His mother was Anne Hill Carter b. Robert E.

InHenry Lee was injured in a political riot in Baltimore, and after a period of recuperation in the West Indies, he was returning home in when he died. After graduating from West, Point Robert E.

Lee served as an officer in the Engineers Corps working on the construction of coastal defenses. The Mexican War saw Robert E.
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When Virginia seceded on the 18 AprilLee was asked to head the Confederate forces, and he agreed to do so. In May he was put in charge of the Army of Northern Virginia. The battle of Antietam when Robert E. Lee tried to cross the Potomac resulted in over Confederate soldiers being killed, wounded or captured.
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In early Julythe Confederate forces again suffered a large number of casualties at Gettysburg. Lee and his forces abandoned the Confederate capital Richmond on the 2 April and on the 9 AprilLee surrendered to D at Appomattox, Virginia. Lee married Mary Anna Randolph Custis in Lee returned home and was appointed President of Washington College, Virginia. He held this position until he died on 12 October in Lexington, Virginia. Friday, 20th November Lee General January 19 Education Robert E.]
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