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Fingers to the Bone: Child Farmworkers in the United States

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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The Bureau of International Labor Affairs ILAB maintains a list of goods and their source countries which it has reason to believe are produced by child labor or forced labor in violation of international standards, as required under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act TVPRA of and subsequent reauthorizations. ILAB maintains the List primarily to raise public awareness about forced labor and child labor around the world and to promote efforts to combat them; it is not intended to be punitive, but rather to serve as a catalyst for more strategic and focused coordination and collaboration among those working to address these problems. Publication of the List has resulted in new opportunities for ILAB to engage with foreign governments to combat forced labor and child labor. It is also a valuable resource for researchers, advocacy organizations and companies wishing to carry out risk assessments and engage in due diligence on labor rights in their supply chains. Child Labor In America.

Posted on November Child Labor In America, By Liz Kempton. Chocolate is a sweet treat enjoyed by many people around the world. These benefits led the Aztecs, Olemcs, and Mayans to believe chocolate possessed mystical and spiritual powers upon their discovery of it about 4, years ago 1. Early chocolate was originally consumed as a bitter drink reserved only for royals and elites and would be unrecognizable to chocolate lovers today. Chocolate is now common, easily accessible, affordable, and available in many different forms 1. The average American consumes around 12 pounds of chocolate per year in the form of baked goods, candy bars, beverages, or pure chocolate making it a staple of society 1. The chocolate is made through a labor intensive process starting with Theobroma cacao, more commonly called the cacao tree.

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The bright yellow fruits on the tree contain cacao beans. Farm workers harvest these pods and remove these beans which will eventually become cocoa. Once the beans are separated from the pod, they are hand cleaned and begin a day fermentation process. The fermented beans then dried and are no longer considered cacao. This process creates cocoa,the main ingredient we recognize in the chocolate we consume 1. Child Labor In America fruit of a cacao tree with beans. The beans become cocoa after they are cleaned, fermented, and dried.

Western Child Labor In America plays a large role in the global chocolate industry. In addition to being known for high cocoa production, West Africa is known for high prevalence of unfair labor practices as well. Many farms in this region have been known to underpay laborers, employ children, and even practice slavery 4. A report from the U. Department of Labor estimates that over 2 million children were participating in dangerous labor on cocoa farms in West Africa 5.

Some children begin working young in order to help their family, some are sold by family members, and others are kidnapped. Many of these children are agedbut children as young as 5 have been reported working on cacao farms 4.

This Report Netflix Operations Management no secret, but many large chocolate companies deny human rights violations take place in the making of their products and the issue is largely ignored by the American public. All three refuse to guarantee their chocolate is produced without child labor 5.

This is partially because they are unable to trace their cocoa back to the farms that grew it. InThe.

Child Labor In America

These industry giants frequently make claims they are working on a solution, but the data shows otherwise. Much of the chocolate consumed in the United States is likely produced with the help of under or unpaid children, but there are ways to consciously combat this issue in personal consumption.

Child Labor

This photo shows a young boy working on a West African cocoa farm. One way to learn more about the manner of production for any given chocolate company is to look for the Fair Trade seal. For example, it is possible that a conventional chocolate brand and a fair trade certified brand purchase their chocolate from the same farm on fair trade terms.

However, a difference is that the fair trade certified brand does the same for its other inputs, for example sugar, while a conventional brand would not 6.

Child Labor In America

Buying an input in fair trade terms means purchasing the inputs at a minimum price. A fair trade certification does come with Childd limitations. It can be difficult to keep perfect tabs on all fair trade certified farms. There have been a few instances of fair trade certified West African farms being shut down due to discoveries of illegal child labor or slavery.

Child Labor In America

In and several of these farms were shut down, including some backed by the Rainforest Alliance 4. While no similar instances have happened recently, it is impossible to fully ensure completely ethical practices without completely cutting chocolate out of your diet.]

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