Accounting Information System Paper -

Accounting Information System Paper

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Accounting Information System Paper

Nov 7 students. For about a year, Frank Poppa has been operating a sausage stand in the parking lot of a major discount retailer in a suburban area. The stand appears to be a pushcart but is actually a small trailer that towed from home each day.

Frank cleverly designed the stand to include storage compartments, napkins, and the like. About four months ago, Frank decided to expand to more locations. He found that large discount retailers were quite happy to provide him adequate space near the front door because customers enjoyed the convenience and the stand helped build traffic for the retailer.

Accounting Information System Paper formed Poppas Dogs Company and negotiated contracts with several retailers to provide pushcart operations outside their stores.

Frank plans to be very careful when hiring the people necessary to operate the five new pushcart locations. He is confident that he can assess good moral character and avoid hiring anyone who would take advantage of him.

Accounting Information System Paper

In addition, he will have to finance an inventory of sausages, bread, condiments, and soft drinks for each location. A local bank has agreed to provide financing. Until now, Frank has maintained an informal accounting system consisting of an envelope full of receipts and his personal account. The system has served him well enough so far, but he is finding that more and more he is getting his personal financial activities confused with those of his business.


Frank is positive that the business is profitable because he seems to have more money left at the end of the month than he did when he was working full time as an auto mechanic. He has decided he needs a better accounting system and has decided to consult with a CPA he knows to see what she might recommend. Nadia Smith is a regional sales manager for Best-Green, Inc.

Accounting Information System Paper

He indicates that the company is facing a financial problem. Two years ago, the company borrowed heavily from several banks to buy a competing company and to increase production of its primary products: insecticides and fertilizers.

Research paper on accounting information system

As a part of the loan Accounting Information System Paper, Best-Green must maintain a working capital ratio of 1. Https:// the company fails to meet these requirements, as reflected in its annual financial statements, the banks can restrict future credit for the company or require early payment of its loans, potentially forcing the company into bankruptcy.

The company is in danger of not meeting the loan requirements. The company could be forced to make drastic cuts or to liquidate its assets.

Accounting Information System Paper

The CEO informs Nadia that her job could be in danger. The CEO asks her to help with the problem by dating all sales invoices that clear her during the first half of May as though the sales had been made in April.

May is a month of heavy sales volume for the company as retail stores stock up for the coming season.]

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