The French Intervention Of Mexico Video
The French Intervention in Mexico (1861-1867) The French Intervention Of MexicoThe French Intervention Of Mexico - fantasy))))
This confrontation took place between April and March Negotiations to stop the war ended with the signing of an agreement favorable to the French, who obtained almost all their requests. Mexico, since its independence, had gone through decades of political and social instability. Armed insurrections were very frequent and it was common for violence to affect foreign interests. French businessmen based in Mexico were among the most affected, since their government had promoted trade agreements with the Mexican. A complaint from a French businessman was the final trigger for the conflict. It was the owner of a bakery who denounced the damage caused by Mexican soldiers in his establishment and requested a large compensation. The French ambassador took advantage of the circumstance to demand a large sum to cover all the claims made by his compatriots. The refusal of the Mexican government caused France to send a fleet to the coast of Veracruz.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The French Intervention Of Mexico](
To extend the influence of Imperial France, Napoleon III instigated the intervention in Mexico by claiming that the military adventure was a foreign policy commitment to free trade. The establishment of a European-derived monarchy in Mexico would ensure European access to Mexican resources, particularly Intervnetion access to Mexican silver. On 31 OctoberFrance, the United Kingdom, and Spain agreed to the Convention of Londona joint effort to ensure that debt repayments from Mexico would be forthcoming.

On 8 Decemberthe three navies disembarked their troops at the port city of Veracruzon the Gulf of Mexico. When the British and the Spanish discovered that France had an ulterior motive and unilaterally planned to seize Mexico, they peacefully negotiated an agreement with Mexico to settle the debt issues. Simultaneously, Britain and Spain withdrew from the military coalition agreed to in London, and recalled their forces from Mexico.

Many nations proceeded to acknowledge the political legitimacy of the newly created nation state. French Frenxh expansion into Mexico counterbalanced the geopolitical power of the Protestant Christian United States, by developing a powerful Catholic empire in Latin America, and the exploitation of the mineral wealth of the Mexican north-west.
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After much guerrilla warfare that continued after the Capture of Mexico City in — the French Empire withdrew from Mexico and abandoned the Austrian emperor of Mexico; subsequently, the Mexicans executed Emperor Maximilian I, on 19 Intercentionand restored the Mexican Republic.
The fleets of the Tripartite Alliance arrived at Veracruz between 8 and 17 Decemberintending to pressure the Mexican government into settling its debts. The Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Manuel Article source met with the Spanish The French Intervention Of Mexico Juan Prim who was the nominal commander of the tripartite alliance and explained to him the country's economic complications and persuaded him that the suspension of the debts was only going to be temporary. For the governments of Spain and Great Britain this explanation was sufficient, and along with their realisation of the French ambition to conquer Mexico, the two governments made the decision to peacefully withdraw their forces on 9 April, with the last British and Spanish troops leaving on 24 April without a shot being fired by either army.
Imtervention forces commanded by General Ignacio Zaragoza managed The French Intervention Of Mexico win an unexpected victory against the French army in the Battle of Puebla on 5 May commemorated by the Cinco de Mayo holiday halting the French advance for some time.
English Civil War: Crash Course European History #14
The French occupied the port of The French Intervention Of Mexico on 23 October, and unopposed by Mexican forces took control of Xalapa, Veracruz on 12 December. The French bombarded Veracruz on 15 January They were forced to make a defence in a nearby hacienda.
Danjou was mortally wounded at the hacienda, and his men mounted an almost suicidal bayonet attack, fighting to nearly the last man; only three French Legionnaires survived. To this day, the anniversary of 30 April remains the most important day of celebration for Legionnaires. Puebla surrendered to the French shortly afterward, on 17 May. Having taken the treasure of the state with them, the government-in-exile remained in Https:// until French troops under Bazaine entered Mexico City on 7 June The main army entered the city three days later led by General Forey.
The crown was offered to Maximilian, following pressures by Napoleon. Further decisive French victories continued with the fall of Acapulco The French Intervention Of Mexico 3 June, occupation of Durango on 3 July, and the defeat of republicans in the states of Sinaloa and Jalisco in November.
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He was enthroned as Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, with his wife Charlotte of Belgium Ijtervention, known Frennch the Spanish form of her name, Carlota. In reality, Maximilian was a puppet monarch of the Second French Empire. Maximilian expressed progressive European political ideas, favouring the establishment of a limited monarchy sharing powers with a democratically elected congress. He inspired passage of laws to abolish child labour, limit working hours, and abolish a system of land tenancy that virtually amounted to serfdom among the Indians. This was too liberal to please Mexico's conservatives, and the nation's liberals refused to accept a monarch, leaving Maximilian with few enthusiastic allies within Mexico. The French fleet landed soldiers who captured Guaymas on 29 March. In April and May the republicans had many forces in the states of Sinaloa and Chihuahua. Most towns along the Rio Grande were also occupied by republicans.
Throughout the country, the French were now harassed by guerrilla warfare, the kind of fighting that Mexican forces were already veterans at. The decree known as the "Black Decree" was issued by Maximilian on 3 October, which threatened any Mexican captured in The French Intervention Of Mexico war with immediate execution.
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The decree lead to around 11, executions. This was later the basis for the next government to order his own execution.

Several high-ranking republican officials were executed under this order on 21 October.]
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