The Poem America By William Cullen -

The Poem America By William Cullen

The Poem America By William Cullen Video

William Cullent Bryant - Poetry The Poem America By William Cullen.


The night air is filled with the scent of apples, and the moon is nearly full. In the next room, Jim is reading; a small cat sleeps in the crook of his arm. The night singers are loud, proclaiming themselves every evening until they run.

The Poem America By William Cullen

We crave change, but turn away from it. We drown in contradictions. Still winter. Snowing, still.


Can it even be called action, this patience in the here of gravity overdressed Williamm gray? Days like this, the right silence can be an action, an axe, right through the frozen sea, as Kafka calls for.

A necessary smashing, opening. Though silence can also be a shattering, closing.

The Poem America By William Cullen

Think of silence as a violence, when silence means being made a frozen sea. Think of speaking as a violence, when speaking is a house that dresses your life in the tidiest wallpaper.

The Poem America By William Cullen

It makes your grief. It makes you chairs when you need justice.]

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