Patriarchal Society The Is The Only Sphere -

Patriarchal Society The Is The Only Sphere Video

What Is the Patriarchy? - Feminist Fridays Patriarchal Society The Is The Only Sphere. Patriarchal Society The Is The Only Sphere

A recent research trip led me to a little known area known as Hashtnagar, located in NWFP or, as it is referred to by the locals, Pakhtunkhawa. One might, at first, question the significance of this narrow strip of land and its importance to the life of us urbanites.

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However, such questioning would soon give way to keen interest on the part of anyone studying society and its evolution as a science. One of these towns, i. Sherpao, was the subject of great media interest recently when a bomb blast went Sphege killing at least 50 people. Mr Sherpao escaped relatively unscathed, though his son was wounded in the blast. From a social science point of view, Hashtnagar is unlike any other area in Pakistan in that the peasants of Hashtnagar openly revolted against the oppression of the Khans feudal lords of their area and waged a protracted armed struggle against the feudal forces in order to gain control over the cultivated lands. Though this movement started in the s, it has continued till now.

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The feudal lords of the area now live in fear of the repercussions of any oppressive actions they may take against the peasants and, as a result, have either moved out of Hashtnagar entirely or have built massive fortress-like mansions for their protection. It is important to mention here that this peasant uprising was not Patriarchal Society The Is The Only Sphere result of some form of personal or petty revenge politics, rather the result of years of instilling political consciousness within the peasant body by communists who lived in or visited the area over several years. However, after the Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case and the subsequent ban on communist politics in Pakistan, compounded by a series of party-splits, the modern form of CMKP emerged from the fray. As a result of these land reforms, the peasants of the area were threatened by eviction by the feudal lords who were, very conveniently, provided legal cover by the aforementioned land reforms. In light of the extreme opposition faced by these peasants it is no small feat that they have, successfully, continued to hold onto their lands.

State retaliation and illegal police actions against the peasants are common — all of these carried out at the behest of the families of the Khans feudal lords who were the original owners of these lands and who continue to create problems for the peasants of the area.

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Matters are such that even today very few male members of any house in the area feel safe without having some Tne of firearm within easy reach at all times — even while they are sleeping. There are various incidents of police actions against the peasants that have been reported. An online journal hosted by the Communist Party of Belgium, relates one instance of such an attack.

Patriarchal Society The Is The Only Sphere

It says:. The peasants were organised but unarmed.

Patriarchal Society The Is The Only Sphere

The policemen, on the other hand, were armed with guns, tear-gas shells, armoured vehicles and jeeps. During this attack on the liberated zone, the corrupt and oppressive police force brought tractors to raze the crops of the peasants. But the peasants fought back and succeeded in burning down all three tractors and also a jeep. The police fired in retaliation, which resulted in dozens of injuries.]

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