Sleuth your slurry -

Sleuth your slurry Sleuth your slurry

Requested by: lildogie.

Sleuth your slurry

There weren't tags for all the relationships, but Gamzee with any of the others would be great. I enjoy no-game AUs and prefer to ignore a lot of late-to-post-canon.


Bonus points for clown content, especially if it's more nuanced than it generally appears in canon. I'd prefer the twins or Karako be older than Gamzee, if they appear.

Sleuth your slurry

Dirk meets Dave's Bro in the dream bubbles and confronts what he sees as the worst possible version of himself. Things go south quickly. Bonus points for transmale Dirk.

mining machines for gold

HS1 Dirk, please. Violence is fine, but no mutilation or disfigurement, please. Tags not a requirement. Growing up without any human contact has forced Dirk to develop a rich fantasy life. A lot of it involves his legendary brother being significantly less dead.

Can you Unscramble these letters?

Sawtooth is just an idea; he doesn't need to be included. Same with the tags. Age up if you like - I don't mind if you bend the canon timeline.]

Sleuth your slurry

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