Identify What You See as the Main Video
Critique of our MODERN LIFE - Alan Watts - Full Radio Lecture Identify What You See as the MainAs influenza season approaches, some Americans, and especially parents, are worried that, if they or their children should become ill, it may not be easy to know which disease they have — the flu or Covid Thee are correct. But there are some clues. And it is possible to have both infections at the same time ; some patients in China this year were found to have both.
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It is not yet clear whether the United States will have much of a flu season this year. Flu activity in the Southern Hemisphere, which is often predictive of activity in the United States, was 99 percent below normal during its winter.
Epidemiologists believe that is because Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Chileans and other residents of the southern half of the globe were wearing masks, staying several feet apart and washing their hands to prevent transmission of the coronavirus. Those same precautions also prevent flu transmission. If they do, masks and link distancing should limit their spread.
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Nonetheless, experts urge all Americans to get flu shots. The number of children who died was equal to that in the season, which was the worst since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began tracking flu-season deaths in If you catch the flu, experts say, having Science Sba the shot makes it much less likely that you will be hospitalized or die.
As of late last month, some doctors reported difficulty ordering as many as they want, but pharmacy chains say they are getting steady supplies. To find a flu shot, try vaccinefinder. There are at least viruses that can cause the common cold, but only four that cause seasonal flu. Everyone knows the symptoms of the flu: fever, headaches, body aches, sore throat, runny nose, stuffed sinuses, coughing and sneezing — and, for infants, ear infections. Identify What You See as the Main victims, especially children, get diarrhea or vomiting too.

In severe cases, the most common complication is pneumonia. The typical signs of a flu pneumonia are shortness of breath, especially when you exert yourself, and unusually rapid breathing — doctors typically look for that in children — and sometimes pain in the chest or back. Knowing whether you have Covid is much more complicated because there are so many different — and sometimes pretty wacky — symptoms, many of which echo those of the flu.
The most common symptoms are high fever, sometimes with chills, a dry cough here fatigue. Not all virus victims get anosmia, the formal name for loss of smell, but one study found that 87 percent did.

Less common symptoms include a sore throat, congestion, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and feeling somewhat out of breath when exerting yourself. Some victims have red or itchy eyes, and some get redness or blisters on their fingers or toes — so-called Covid toeswhich resemble chilblains.
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More dangerous symptoms — which mean you should get immediate medical attention — include serious breathing difficulty; pain or pressure in the chest; blue lips or blue face; confusion or incoherent answers to simple questions; and collapsing or losing consciousness. And even some cases that appear mild or asymptomatic create signs of what doctors believe WWhat be long-lasting heart damage.
Another unusual aspect of Covid is that people sometimes develop pneumonia without realizing how sick they are.]
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