Evolutionists And Creationism Theories About The Existence - are not
Dawkins first came to prominence with his book The Selfish Gene , which popularised the gene-centred view of evolution and introduced the term meme. With his book The Extended Phenotype , he introduced into evolutionary biology the influential concept that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment. Dawkins is known as an outspoken atheist. He is well known for his criticism of creationism and intelligent design. Instead, he describes evolutionary processes as analogous to a blind watchmaker, in that reproduction , mutation , and selection are unguided by any designer. In The God Delusion , Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion. Dawkins has been awarded academic and writing awards, and he makes television, radio, and Internet appearances, predominantly discussing his books, atheism, and his ideas and opinions as a public intellectual. Evolutionists And Creationism Theories About The Existence.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Evolutionists And Creationism Theories About The Existence](http://img.izismile.com/img/img7/20140206/640/messages_from_creationist_to_evolutionists_and_vice_versa_640_23.jpg)
Different concepts may come to mind when the theory of evolution is mentioned.
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Some people, mainly materialists who think that it is a scientifically proven fact, fiercely support it and, equally fiercely, reject all ideas opposed to it. A second group consists of people who are not well-informed about the theory of evolution's claims. They are not particularly interested in it, since they do not realize the harm that Darwinism has done to humanity over the last century and a half. They see no problem with how it is imposed on people and fiercely defended, despite its scientific invalidity, for they have closed their eyes to what is going on.

Even if they know that this theory has lost all scientific credibility, they cannot take seriously those who still Ablut it important, because they themselves do not consider it important. A third group consists of those who, under the influence of materialist suggestion and propaganda, view this theory as scientific fact and look for a "middle way" between it and belief in God. They accept Darwinism's account of the origin of life word for word, yet try to build a bridge between the theory of evolution and religious belief by maintaining that this account operates under God's control.
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In reality, each of these views is mistaken, for the theory of evolution cannot reasonably be portrayed as scientific fact, passed off as unimportant, or adapted to religion. As we shall see throughout this book, the theory's ideological framework Evolutionists And Creationism Theories About The Existence of anti-religious thought put forward to strengthen atheism and to give it a firm foundation. Moreover, it is fiercely defended by people who have been persuaded by materialism, for it is constructed on materialist philosophy and offers a materialist commentary on the world.
From the time it was first put forward by Charles Darwin and right up to the present day, it has brought humanity nothing but conflict, exploitation, war, and degeneration. Given this, it is essential that we acquire a sound understanding of the subject and launch a serious fight against it on the ideological level. This book replies from a very different perspective to the errors of those believers who still support the theory of evolution. It offers a response to those Muslims who look for common ground between the theory of evolution and the fact of creation, and who even try to find evidence for the theory in the Qur'an.
The purpose is not to criticize Muslim evolutionists, but rather to explain that their attitude is mistaken, to assist them on the level of ideas, and to be a means whereby they can adopt a more correct perspective. Two other facts will be discussed in this book: First, that Darwinism is a theory that lacks any scientific foundation, and second, that its real target is religion. Therefore, it will emphasize how wrong it is for Muslims to take the theory lightly or to underestimate it, and to see no need to wage an intellectual struggle against it. Believers should avoid defending this theory and its ideological Evolutionists And Creationism Theories About The Existence, for both contradict the truths of Islam.
Some may support the theory because they are unaware of the disasters that it has visited upon humanity, that it is supported by people who hate religion, and that it rejects the fact of creation. That being the case, those Muslims who have only a little information on the subject should avoid going down that road, for as Allah tells Recommendation International Sport Marketing faithful in the Qur'an:. Do not pursue what you have no knowledge of. Hearing, sight and hearts will all be questioned. Qur'an, Exemplary Muslims should research the matter in all sincerity and behave according to the realization that:.

Those who have become Muslim are those who sought right guidance. As the above verse commands, Muslims who believe in the theory of evolution must consider this theory carefully, carry out wide-ranging research, and make their decision according to their consciences.
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This book has been written to help them do so and to shed some light upon the path that they are following. Why Darwinism is Incompatible With the Qur'an. Introduction Different concepts may come to mind when the theory of evolution is mentioned. That being the case, those Muslims who have only a little information on the subject Existecne avoid going down that road, for as Allah tells the faithful in the Qur'an: Do not pursue what you have no knowledge of.]
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