Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas -

Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas - congratulate

We need fossil fuels in order to live a normal life. Powering our cars, heating our homes and lighting our streets throughout the night are only a few ways in which we use power that we derive from natural gas, petroleum and coal — the main fossil fuels. We have been gathering these fossil fuels for many years, but we are always trying to find better, more efficient ways of getting as much out of the fossil fuels that naturally exist in and around the world. During this process, a huge drill is used to pass through many layers of earth and rock that lie between us as the natural gas. A special water mixture is then pumped directly at the rock miles below in order to release the gas it contains. The mixture — which is primarily water, sand and certain chemicals — are forced into the rock at extremely high pressures in order to force the gas out to where we can collect it. The drill can be driven into the earth either vertically or horizontally. Fracking first began as an experiment in and has been used commercially for 65 years. Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas

The former vice president, Syale now president-elect, elaborated that to him, the focus in mitigating climate change would be on carbon capture methods and eventually transitioning to renewable energy sources. After the debate, President Donald Trump stated that he would protect fracking in the interest of maintaining low prices for energy and preserving American jobs. A failing that underscored both sides of the debate on fracking is a fundamental misunderstanding of what fracking is and the role it plays in the fossil fuel industry, according to Prof. Anthony Ingraffea, civil and environmental engineering.

How Does Fracking Work?

Fracking has been commonplace in the United States for nearly 75 years — which begs the question of why Technolofy is coming up in a presidential election now. These fractures can then be used to extract oil and gas that was previously inaccessible. While this is the process that the president-elect so frequently harkened back to on the campaign trail, this process of stimulating rock is not the problem, Ingraffea said. This practice taps into a type of rock — shale rock — previously untouched by conventional drilling methods.

Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas

Shale rock forms when mud, which often contains dead plant and animal matter that becomes oil and gas over the of millions of years, is condensed. Conventional natural gas reserves contain methane that naturally broke free from shale over the course of millions of years, but the practice of extracting natural gas directly from shale was not commercially available until 15 years ago, according to Prof. Robert Howarth, Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas and evolutionary biology. Ingraffea and Howarth are no strangers to this political and Extractioon arm of the fossil fuel industry. Ingraffea worked for the industry until eTchnologywhen he and some of his colleagues realized that this industry was having severe, negative impacts on local communities and worldwide.

On a local level, these drilling sites can release ozonewhich can cause coughing and respiratory irritation in the short term but can also worsen chronic conditions like asthma. Following his shift in tone toward drilling, Ingraffea was forced out of the very group he helped found.

What is the Process of Fracking?

Nevertheless, he moved on, focusing his efforts in the world of academia, teaching classes and mentoring other engineers. It was around this time Ingraffea crossed paths with Howarth.

Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas

After a six-month sabbatical, Howarth returned to a campus bustling with conversations about methane emissions from fracking. As a biogeochemist with an interest in the interactions of chemicals in ecosystems, Howarth looked into who was researching the effect of methane emissions from fracking on the atmosphere only source find there was no one. Exxtraction meeting, the two decided to merge their expertise in fracking and methane emissions to write a paper investigating the environmental effects of fracking in shale rock. The paper, published in just click for source, found that methane is a stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

The narrative of shale gas as a cleaner alternative to coal and oil was one championed by the fossil fuel industry and the Obama White House — the paper faced pushback before it was even published. Howarth had given exclusive rights to the story to The New York Times, allowing the newspaper to cover their research and disclose its findings before it was published. After initial confusion between Howarth and The Times, the biogeochemist investigated the leaked paper and found that it was a version of the paper that had never Fravking his laptop.

Steven Chu, the Fracking Technology On Extraction Of Shale Gas of Energy during the Obama administration, even claimed that the paper was not credible.]

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