The Containment Policy Established By George W -

The Containment Policy Established By George W The Containment Policy Established By George W

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The Containment Policy Established By George W

Scientists should always challenge themselves to improve their understanding. Yet this isn't what happens with climate change denial. This website gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. Do their arguments have any scientific basis? What does the peer reviewed scientific literature say? Expecting the free market to fix global warming is like trying to pound nails with a saw.

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The massive wildfires that have been rampaging across the American west this year are not purely natural disasters. Sadly, climate change is only one — albeit a whopper — of the countless market failures that degrade our lives. A failure occurs when the marketplace allocates resources in a way that does not optimally deliver wellbeing. We understandably focus a lot of attention on the depredations of greedy tycoons and corporations, but many of the most consequential market failures stem from innate characteristics of our current market system. Many of us probably already have a gut feeling that our current market system often fails.

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Greater awareness would reduce blind faith in the market and enable people to see the market for what it is: a tool. It can be an excellent tool when used for the right job, but relying on the market to deal with something like climate change is like trying to pound nails with a saw.

The Containment Policy Established By George W

Click here to access the entire Opinion Piece as originally published on The Guardian website. Let us first examine the post-industrial revolution warming and some of the telltale signs that humans Edtablished responsible. Then we will explore how we know that the recent increase in greenhouse gases is due to human activity.

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This also rules out the sun, as an increase in solar energy would heat the whole atmosphere. Hemispheres receive less sunlight in winter and cool down by radiating energy away into space. If greenhouse gases were increased, they would act to prevent some of that energy from radiating away, thus warming the winter hemisphere. The warming effect on winter was predicted to be greater than that of summer. These too show that the recent global warming trend cannot be explained without the additional greenhouse gases humans have released into the atmosphere.

The Containment Policy Established By George W

This too can be quantified. Figure 1. Examples of human fingerprints on global warming.]

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