Analysis Of Arend s Patterns Of Democracy -

Analysis Of Arend s Patterns Of Democracy

Analysis Of Arend s Patterns Of Democracy Video

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Analysis Of Arend s Patterns Of Democracy

Arend Lijphart is one of the most cited and most influential political scientists in the world. He grew up in the Netherlands, and after his high school exams he went to the United States to go to college, which was not common in the s.

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In he returned to the Netherlands where he worked at Leiden University. In he came back to the United States, and since then he has lived and worked in California, now as research professor emeritus in political science.

Analysis Of Arend s Patterns Of Democracy

His work has been important, not just in the academic world i. He regularly advised various parties in divided societies, such as in Northern Ireland and South Africa.

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Around 20 years ago, I met him for the first time, Analusis he received an honorary doctorate at Leiden University. We started talking about his work and my own research interests. He had read my article on waves of democratization, and wanted to serve as external examiner in my PhD committee later that year.

Analysis Of Arend s Patterns Of Democracy

Since then we have kept in touch, communicating about politics, mainly about democracy and freedom. Never about religion. However, I have not been a Christian Scientist anymore for quite some time! This message came out of the blue for me: I had heard of the Christian Scientists, but I was surprised that Arend Lijphart had been a member of this group. Strange actually, because religion certainly does play a role in his academic work.

Today about American politics, Dutch pillarization and divided societies.

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Reactions are welcome under the original version of the interview, which is in Dutch, click here. Next week: about religion and the Demofracy Scientists. And it is also a pity that the Democrats have not done well in the elections of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Progressive America can be found in the urban areas and coastal cities.

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Both groups feel threatened by the other. There is a lot of polarization. The progressive and conservative Americans are increasingly living in their own parallel worlds.]

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