Organic food is healthy
Today we look at:. My name is Irma Oragnic I want to share my journey to improved health by eating whole foods, moving my body and eliminating stress as much as possible. It is my hope to inspire you to make daily changes. Because eating fresh, seasonal food and getting some sunshine is the best way Eaging increase longevity. But you do not want just a long learn more here. You want a quality long life. According to the U. Instead, the process relies on using natural or mechanical Eating Organic Food The Benefits Of Organic for pest control; for, using beneficial insects to control the harmful ones.
When talking in terms of food, especially produce, organic means the food is grown without using synthetic fertilizersewage sludgeand irradiation. These processes would be unnecessary if industrial farming practiced sustainable farming. In order for food to be certified organic by the United States Department of Agriculture, it has to be grown and processed according to their guidelines. A government inspector must approve the growing operation while the grower must go through a certification process.

Everyone who comes in contact with the food, including handlers and processors have to be certified by the government as well. The USDA has tips to help them get started. Meat and dairy products sold as organic are from animals that are raised under specific animal welfare guidelines.
What’s The Definition of Organic?
They cannot be given antibiotics or any kind of growth hormones. Other organic products, such as cleaning supplies, simply means the product contains no toxic chemicals and is made from all natural ingredients. A resource for determining the safety of household cleaners found in many homes is the Environmental Working Group, online at www.
Since organic food is grown without pesticides, hormones or petroleum-based fertilizers found in most industrial farms, it is a Eating Organic Food The Benefits Of Organic greener way of producing food. You may be wondering if organic products are healthier or more beneficial than regularly produced or grown products. Just because something is organic does not automatically make it better for you or the environment.
However, organic food can help you protect your family from toxic pesticide residue that is often found on non-organically grown fruit and vegetable skins. Most will agree, though that the chemicals used in weed and pest control do end up in our soil and eventually into our food. New research has shown that some organic produce can be lower in nitrates and higher in antioxidants than produce grown traditionally. Conventional farming uses synthetic pesticides to protect their crops from insects and diseases.

This leaves a residue on the produce and leaks into the soil. It also causes farmers to continuously clear their land of leftover vegetable matter instead of tilling it back into the soil. Losing our topsoil means that the dirt is dead. We cannot add the topsoil back once it Te gone, and it can take centuries for nature to fix this. On the other hand organically grown produce growers use insect traps or predator insects as well as disease-resistant varieties of plants to control pests.
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For example, certain bug-killing organophosphate pesticides are linked to obesity. Benevits regulations restrict the use of food additives such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colorings, and flavorings click well as monosodium glutamate. Organic farming is better for the environment because of the way it reduces pollution and conserves water and soil quality. People who eat organic food agree. It just tastes better.
Strawberries and tomatoes grown in a natural chemical-free way are sweeter and juicier.]
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