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Hypertension A Serious Disease

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The COVID pandemic has led many people to forgo the monitoring and treatment of chronic conditions such as hypertension high blood pressure. It is now quite evident that people with hypertension are also more likely to develop serious complications from the coronavirus. In the United States, African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities, including Hispanics and Native Americans, are more likely to have hypertension and have therefore been disproportionately affected by the COVID pandemic. Hypertension is the most common modifiable risk factor for major cardiovascular events, including death, heart attack, and stroke, and it plays a major role in the development of heart failure, kidney disease and dementia. Over the past decades, significant efforts have been made to increase awareness and treatment of hypertension. Hypertension A Serious Disease

Hypertension A Serious Disease - serious?

High blood pressure happens when the force on the walls of blood vessels caused by the blood within them is more than normal. This means the heart has to work harder and the blood vessels are under more strain, making it a major risk factor for heart disease , stroke and other serious conditions. Healthcare professionals sometimes call high blood pressure 'hypertension'. US researchers found cheese can help protect blood vessels against damage done by sodium, accord The higher figure called the systolic level is a measure of the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is pumping blood out. The lower figure called the diastolic level is a measure of the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is resting between beats.

Here Account active since. Case studies on patients who have contracted the new Hypertension A Serious Disease have found that older people and those with preexisting health conditions more commonly develop severe symptoms. Different preexisting conditions — including heart diseasehigh blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease — were found at varying rates among the patients who died. More recently, data reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through May 30 showed heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes were among the most common comorbidities Sdrious COVID Patients with underlying health conditions were 12 times more likely to die of COVID compared to otherwise healthy patients.

Reduce your risk of getting COVID-19

Here's what we know about how various health issues may affect a patient's coronavirus prognosis. According to state data In Lousiana, that number was In a retrospective study of more than patients hospitalized with COVID in Wuhan, China, those with high blood pressure were twice as likely to die compared to patients with normal blood pressure. Any kind of cardiovascular condition can leave Hypertension A Serious Disease patient more susceptible to severe disease from the virus. While experts aren't confident about why people with poor Srious health are at a higher risk of dying from the virus, doctors believe that the strain COVID puts on the lungs may burden the heart as well.

What to consider before being around other people

People with heart issues may also have weaker immune systems, and the virus could have a negative effect on those Hypertension A Serious Disease plaque in their arteries, according to the American Heart Association. At least 2. It's "a quivering or irregular heartbeat article source can lead to Hypertension A Serious Disease clots, stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications," according to AHA.

The condition may make COVID worse because some viruses thrive on higher blood glucose levels, and people with diabetes also have compromised immune systems, according to Health. In New York People with diabetes made up Cancer and its treatments can impair the respiratory system and render a person immunocompromised. The National Kidney Foundation recommends that patients with kidney disease follow the same advice as the general population: Stay home when possible, be diligent about handwashing and sanitizing surfaces, and make sure you have enough necessary medical supplies. Dialysis patients should not miss their treatments, and those who feel sick should alert a member of their healthcare team. People with lung diseases like emphysema or bronchitis have lungs that are weaker when trying to fight off the infection.

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The infection causes inflammation in the lungs' lining and irritation in the nerves around them. The virus can also cause inflammation in the air sacs at the bottom of lungs.

Hypertension A Serious Disease

That can lead to pneumonia — when the lungs fill up with fluid. Inflamed air sacs also prevent lungs from getting enough oxygen into the bloodstream and removing the byproduct carbon dioxide, The Guardian reportedciting John Wilson, a respiratory physician. Such inflammation can cause vital organ failure and be fatal. According to the Stroke Association, a stroke itself doesn't put a survivor in immediate danger of the coronavirus. However, many of those who experience strokes fall into other at-risk categories.]

Hypertension A Serious Disease

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  2. You are right.

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