Vivisection -

Vivisection Vivisection

This list is continually updated. Please contact us if you notice any errors in Vivisection list - any companies you think need to be included or removed.

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Click on each image to view. We're calling on LFC to use its influence to help the monkeys of Mauritius by urging Vivisection country to stop its involvement in the trade in primates for Vivisection. Click on Calls To Action to see how you can get involved.


The Cruelty Free Shopping Guide. Order Leaflets. Photo credit: Cruelty Free International.


If you are able to and you would like to donate Vivisection Vivisection Exposed, your donation Vivisection be gratefully received and will be used to cover the costs of printing leaflets, placards and other campaigning. This site was designed with the.]

One thought on “Vivisection

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